The Story About The Day Chris Evans Adopted His Dog Will Make You Cry

Updated Nov. 1 2018, 12:36 p.m. ET
I really wish we could be better at life than other animals, but I have to be honest, they seem to have it all figured out.
Especially dogs. Now some might criticize puppers for being so easily loving and affectionate, but I have to say that's probably all out of jealousy. Who wouldn't want to love the heck out of life where you're constantly wagging your tail and jumping up and down at every opportunity to be excited?
I mean, dogs even enjoy simple drinks of water much more than any human being could.
Which is probably the reason why people who adopt dogs rave about rescue pups so much, because that doggy love, gratitude, and affection is magnified a gajillion percent.
Something that everyone's favorite Avenger, Chris Evans — aka Captain America — put on display when he chronicled the story of how he met his adopted dog, Dodger, for National Pet Day.
Dodger's story begins when Evans first met him at the pound.
And it's been a love fest ever since.
A human-dog bromance.
Admittedly, it's difficult to work when this guy is around.
Especially when he's singing along with "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."
Is there anything better than sleeping next to someone you love?
Even if Dodger was more concerned with playing than taking photos.
Which, oftentimes, leads to him needing to be bailed out.
I mean, look at how happy this dude was when he finally saw his best buddy after 10 long weeks of being separated.
Oh yeah and that lion from before? It doesn't belong to Evans, it belongs to Dodger.
That's right, he has his own stuffed animal and he loves to sing along with it.
Just look at this handsome boy.
Easy to see why Evans loves him so much.