32 Movie Mistakes That Will Absolutely Ruin Your Favorite Film

Updated Oct. 9 2018, 12:17 a.m. ET

Modern blockbuster movies have budgets that can easily reach hundreds of millions of dollars. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, for example, holds the record with a budget of $378.5 million. But despite throwing all that money at their movies, you'd be surprised how easy it is for mistakes to slip through the dozens of layers of editing a movie goes though before it ever hits the silver screen.
Here are a few examples of mistakes that made it into some of the most iconic movies in history. Yes, you'll want to watch them all again after this.
1. In 'The Dark Knight,' Harvey Dent's heart monitor disappears between scenes.

2. When Tarzan is attacked by a leopard, his scratch marks are miraculously healed just moments later.
3. This extra in 'Jaws' looks pretty happy about the whole killer shark thing.

4. When the raptors burst into the kitchen in 'Jurassic Park' a hand can be seen keeping their tail steady.

5. During Gladiator's "are you not entertained" scene, a man wearing jeans can be spotted in the crowd.

6. In 'Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope,' the Stormtrooper on the right of this scene can be seen hitting his head on the door.
7. When the Fellowship meet Eomer in 'The Two Towers', his sword can be seen falling out of his sheath as he rides off.

8. A closeup in 'Wild' reveals a reflection of the film crew.

9. See the man in the cowboy hat behind Captain Jack in 'Pirates of the Caribbean'? That's a crew member.

10. Before bullets start firing in 'Pulp Fiction,' there are already bullet holes in the wall.

11. In 'Willy Wonka,' the candy man totally hits this girl in the face with his counter.
12. See the camera man during this dueling scene in 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'?

13. In 'The Avengers,' Captain America's suit patches itself up between scenes.

14. Spelling is hard in another 'Jurassic Park' fail.

15. In 'Teen Wolf,' this actress can be seen adjusting her fly.
16. The Orca's ID number changed during the course of the movie. At one stage, the ID is MS 15 LF, but then it changes to 15 LF.

17. In 'North by Northwest,' the kid in the background seems to predict that a gun is about to go off and covers his ears.
18. That's definitely not Marty in this car chase scene from 'Back to the Future.'

19. They didn't even try to hide this camera man in 'Bad Boys.'
20. Yet another man in blue jeans in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

21. Just look at the kid on the right in this scene from 'Back to the Future.' That's all.
22. Yes, that's a gas cylinder in the re-enactment of the Battle of Carthage in the Colosseum in 'Gladiator.'

23. That's definitely not a real baby in 'American Sniper.'

24. A white van can be spotted during this cavalry charge in 'Braveheart.'

25. The extra running for help after a teacher is shot with an arrow in '10 Things I hate About You' gives up as soon as she thinks she's out of shot.
26. Stalone improvised this shirt rip in 'Cobra.' You can tell because it briefly reveals his microphone.

27. In 'Legally Blonde,' this woman doesn't even turn on the water fountain she pretends to be drinking from.
28. In 'Miss Congeniality,' Cheryl beats Gracie with a bouquet and the petals fall off. Moments later, they've grown back.

29. In 'Hitch,' the eye that's swollen after Will Smith has an allergic reaction switches from scene to scene.

30. In 'Dirty Dancing,' his car's gear shift is in park while Johnny is supposed to be driving.

31. In 'Ocean's Eleven,' Brad Pitt's shrimp cocktail turns into a plate.

32. In 'Return of the King,' Frodo's eyes switch from open, to closed, to open again, while he's supposed to be stunned by Shelob's venom.