'Game of Thrones' Filmed Alternate Finale Endings And They Already Got Leaked

Updated Dec. 4 2019, 12:21 a.m. ET

Game of Thrones unfortunately has a long history when it comes to leaks. Whether the leaks are malicious, or one of their hundreds of partners accidentally releases an episode a little early, HBO has learned to go to some pretty extreme lengths to avoid spoilers. And according to Emilia Clark, who plays Daenerys, during Season 8 that involved filming multiple endings to the finale.
"There's lots of different endings that could happen," Clark told Forbes back in 2018. "I think we're doing all of them and we aren't being told which is actually what's going to happen… I think that they don't even trust us."
And while that may sound like a good strategy, it doesn't seem to have worked.

For the last few weeks, reddit user afraidpart, who claimed to be involved in the show, has been spoiling what would happen on the show. They were correct about Episode 5, "The Bells," and they were largely correct about the series finale, Episode 6, titled "The Iron Throne."
Several days before the finale aired, the user claimed that Daenerys would start holding executions, which she did. They went on to claim that Tyrion would be arrested, which he was. And of course, they went on to say that Jon would kill Daenerys in the throne room. However, what we're more interested in are the endings that the reddit user claims were shot.
The first ending they detailed was the one we all saw last night. A King's Council is formed in the wake of Dany's death. Tyrion gives a speech and Bran is voted King. Everyone laughs at Sam for suggesting democracy, Tyrion is forgiven, and Jon has to go serve on the Night's Watch.
It's the two alternate endings that we're more interested in.
Alternate Ending #1

In a second ending plot leak that the Reddit user detailed, Tyrion stands trial in the dragonpit, but neither Jon nor Dany (the latter of whom we assume is dead at that point) is present. Present at the trial are all three Starks, Brienne, Yara, Grey Worm, Robyn Arryn, someone in gold clothing that the writer presumes is from Dorne, and an older man with a beard and green clothing we've never seen before. It seems like basically all the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms are there to decide Tyrion's fate.
It's there that Bran recalls something Tyrion said to Catelyn Stark in Season 1: "I never bet against my family." And Tyrion essentially says the people of King's Landing deserved to die for turning on him after he saved them from Stannis Baratheon. He's sentenced to death.

Alternate Ending #2
A third outcome detailed by Reddit user afraidpart combines elements of both the first alternate ending and the real ending. However, while Tyrion indeed stands trial, he is spared death and instead gets a spot on the new King's Council.
But should we believe the descriptions of these alternate endings? Another source, who leaked very accurate details about Cleganebowl, seemed to back up the validity of these alternate endings.
Reddit user SuperMachoChiChiMan provided a similarly accurate account of the finale just days before it aired — even claiming that Drogon would burn the Iron Throne. So chances are, the reddit users were legitimate. But you can read all the details they leaked ahead of the finale here to make your own decision.
Which ending do you prefer? The ending they decided to go with, or one of the alternate ending?