Guy Hilariously Quits Job to Become a Pirate in Epic Resignation Letter

Updated Oct. 27 2020, 12:07 p.m. ET

Working stressful jobs that you feel aren't personally rewarding can be a huge drag, but what usually keeps people in them for so long is a lack of persistence. The old adage, "finding a job is a job" is very, very true: in a lot of cases even creating an opportunity to get something you really want is more difficult than finally nailing the interview that gets you said position.
Which is probably why so many people end up staying in the careers and ultimately settle in whatever situation they're in. That's because constantly staying on top of potentially going into a new industry or career or workplace is something that just takes a lot of consistent work, day in, day out, and folks lose steam.
This tends to lead us to fantasize about some grand gesture that will extricate us once and for all from the oppressive vocation that's been inhibiting us for so long. There are some people who actually put themselves to the fire, pull the trigger, and quit their jobs. And this man who worked in a medical lab decided to do so in a pretty awesome fashion.

A coworker of his was so smitten with the resignation letter that they decided to snap a photo and upload it Reddit, where tons of people were cracking up at the employee in question's new career path.
What makes it even funnier is considering that the person who posted it wrote, "To top if off, this guy is a 50+ yo grump with anger management problems. Looks like he found a health[ier] outlet for his anger."

The best part of the letter is the fact that it starts off very run-of-the-mill. It all seems perfectly routine, the dude's leaving things on a cordial note before jumping ship, not burning any bridges and giving pleasant words to his (now) ex-coworkers.
But that's only to set up the punch line.

Yes, because the man decided to leave his job working in a medical lab to go and become a professional pirate. "It has always been a dream of mine to live the life of a swashbuckling corsair, beholden to none and master of all I survey."
He added, "Once my crew of unabashed rogues is assembled, we shall take to the capacious expanse of the high seas to pursue fortune, fame, and hair raising adventure."
Honestly, I'd love to be a part of this guy's crew. Quitting a job and venturing into a new field certainly feels like you're attacking the high seas, so kudos to this dude.

Those who saw the letter online were instantly smitten with the approach, but then someone brought up that it's the Pirate resignation letter, and someone mentions that they used the same one in 2012 and "it helps if you're on good terms with your coworkers."
While I thought that this individual was just leaving a cheeky response, it turns out that "The Pirate Resignation Letter" is actually a thing.

Popehat wrote about it back in 2008, and it could've existed even before that. It feels like a piece of long-forgotten internet lore so while it may diminish people's respect for the man considering the letter wasn't exactly an original idea he conceived of himself, it's still pretty darn awesome.
And, the founder of Popehat decided they would come up with his own employer response to the anyone who decided to use the Pirate Resignation letter against them.

Way to take all the fun out of the joke, huh? What do you think about the Pirate Resignation letter? Are you surprised that a form letter for this kind of thing even exists? Or does nothing shock you on the internet anymore?