Mom Delivers Baby at Home in 3 Minutes Without Waking Her Sleeping Children

Updated June 9 2019, 12:32 p.m. ET

A mother from Petersburg, Michigan is making headlines after delivering her fourth child, at home, without any complications whatsoever.
Childbirth is scary and if there's anything the trash 2012 movie What to Expect When You're Expecting taught me is that every single pregnancy is different. I mean, I guess I could use my own real-life experience in helping my wife deliver our two children, but that didn't have a soundtrack. Unless you count my wife's birthing screams.
It doesn't really need to be said, but generally speaking, giving birth is a horrifyingly painful process and one that's difficult for me or I think anyone to become desensitized to. After seeing my wife go through it twice, I can honestly say that while I admire the heck out of her ability to go through that, twice, I am very, very happy I was born without the ability to gestate a fetus. It doesn't look fun at all.
But there are some people who just must be born differently, like Sarah Seegert, a mother of four children who managed to deliver her youngest, Caris Betty Iott, at home and all by herself. There was no one there to guide her through it or clean up the mess. No one to hold her hand and help her through it. Just Sarah and a baby that needed to come out.
Oh, and the entire process took three minutes from the time her water broke. But that's not even the craziest part of her story.
Sarah is amazed herself at how she managed to deliver her baby right on floor of her living room. She called the entire thing a "primal" experience:
"If someone asked me how I did it, I would say, ‘I have no idea.' It was really primal. I guess if you were to give birth in the wild, that’s how it would be."
Her contractions began the night before at around midnight, but Sarah wasn't too bothered by them. She slept through the night as her contractions weren't regular. When her fiance, Bill Iott, left to go to work at 5:30am, Sarah still believed that she wasn't in labor so she went back to sleep. But at approximately 7am, when she woke up, her contractions were 3 to 5 minutes apart.
Here's where it gets kinda crazy.
Sarah, already 3 kids deep into this whole motherhood thing, thought that she had some extra time and wanted to squeeze in a shower. Maybe she thought she was going to make herself a full English breakfast afterwards and try and pay her bills in the process, I don't know.
After getting out of shower at around 7:19am, Sarah's water broke and she felt a familiar feeling: the baby was coming. Like, right that second.
Sarah plopped some towels down on the floor and got to work and although the pregnancy was a quick one, things got really scary, really quick:
"I laid some towels down on the living room floor, and she started coming. I realized the (umbilical) cord was wrapped around her neck, so I stopped giving birth to her, fixed it, and then finished giving birth."
Sarah said that baby Caris Betty cried right away. Her newest addition to the family, a daughter, is named after Sarah's grandmother Betty, who has the same birthday as the little girl.
The birthing process itself only took a minute and Sarah, not having any medical tools, sucked the amniotic fluid out of her little girl's nose. She even kept the placenta intact but the most insane part of this story is that SHE MANAGED TO GIVE BIRTH TO CARIS WITHOUT WAKING UP HER THREE OTHER CHILDREN WHO WERE FAST ASLEEP IN THEIR BEDS.
Sarah says she knows she should've gone to the hospital sooner, but honestly thought her baby wasn't going to come as quickly as she did: "I should have gone to the hospital right away. But I didn’t think it was time. I have a really high pain tolerance and don’t usually use epidurals."
Sarah was texting her mother Julie, a nurse, about the labor and she arrived at Sarah's home with her birthing kit about two minutes after Caris arrived.
Julie was understandably shocked to see her daughter give birth all by herself at home, but Sarah's fiance, was the most surprised of them all. He couldn't believe it when Sarah called him while he was at work, and he didn't know if she was being serious or not. Then he heard his little girl crying on the other end.
Sarah went with her mother-in-law and Julie to the hospital along with baby Caris. The infant's placenta was kept in a plastic bag for doctors to remove, and Julie cut the child's umbilical cord.
Caris weighed in at 7 pounds and 3 ounces, and doctors gave her a clean bill of health saying she's a perfect little baby.
Although Sarah says it was "one of the most intense experiences" of her life, she also called it "one of the best" as well.
I just still can't believe she managed to do all of that without waking up the kids. I can't even get up to go to the bathroom without my son hearing and then running in to make fun of me for having to poop.