Guy Creates Fake Hot Criminal Tinder Profile to Make a Point and It Goes Horribly Right

Updated March 5 2019, 12:49 p.m. ET
It's nice to believe that the majority of humanity judges each other based on personal virtues and not superficial things like wealth, social status, and beauty.
However, we all know that this isn't the case. I'll be the first to admit that I'm immediately more suspicious of certain "gnarly-" looking individuals than I am of pretty people. Maybe it's because I've been programmed to think that way, or maybe it's because I'm like every other human being, and am a shallow jerk.
As a very wise and awesome friend of mine says, although we can't control our first feelings, we can control our reactions to them. So if you are an individual with initially ugly, shallow thoughts, then it's up to you to stay thinking those ugly-shallow thoughts, or not...

Unfortunately, a Tinder experiment yielded some individuals who decided to stay in those ugly, shallow thoughts, just because they thought they'd have a shot at hooking up with an unbelievably hot dude.
This Tinder experiment revealed that more than a couple of ladies didn't have a problem entertaining a possible relationship with the super-chiseled, super hot Chad, despite his past behavior of assaulting children and his ex-girlfriend.
If you hate the kinds of stories that confirm horrible things about humanity, then these conversations aren't for you. Or maybe you enjoy feeling superior to people who were willing to give someone who is clearly a bad guy a chance, just because he's hot.
First up is this individual who has no problem breaking the ice with the good-looking dude. The conversation starts off innocuously enough. Whoever's controlling Chad's profile makes him kind of dumb, blunt, and rude.
In case you didn't read his profile, here's what he wrote in a nutshell: he's wearing an ankle monitor for crimes he committed against a child and he's going to jail for beating up his ex-girlfriend, but it's not that serious of a crime. Even though he's going to jail for it.
Even after he tells this first girl it was "for real," she still decides to continue with their conversation. I've heard of digging "bad boys," but that's a little too bad, don't you think?
Turns out she wasn't the only woman he matched with. This other individual understandably swiped right on the dude's hot photo. Now, people swipe left or right all the time without reading bios, that's fine.
Even though she thinks what he did was "super f--ked up," she still doesn't seem quick to stop conversations with the dude, despite his brusque responses.
"Chad" takes a super aggressive approach with this next Tinder match, basically telling her to hurry up and read his profile so they could get the unpleasantness out of the way and get straight to "smashing."
She at least calls him out on his super rude manner of speaking, which kind of gives one hope that she'll want to pry more about his awful crimes. But no, she calls him silly and tells him to calm down because she wants to move past that.
The "best" is saved for last, however, when one of his matches completely blows past the dude's profile and is ready to completely forgive him for his mistakes.
She also has zero response to him excusing his crime by saying that the little boy he had relations with was 6 years old, meaning that at least he wasn't a baby. Or something.
The real kicker comes when he flat-out says that the only reason he's messaging her is because he wants to smash. She seems like she's immediately down to meet with a hot guy who is going to jail for smacking up his ex-girlfriend and abusing a 6-year-old kid.
It's good to know that there are so many forgiving people out there in the world who are willing to give convicted criminals with ankle monitors on their feet a second chance.
However, there's a part of me that thinks and hopes that this was all made up. I mean, it sure doesn't look like it is real, but then again, experiments like this with photos of hot guys have been done in the past.
I still want to believe that this was crafted so the hapless victims of subreddits like r/niceguys can feel like this is the reason they can't get a date, instead of their awful social skills. Or because they're just a variation of this dude.
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.