Woman Gets Revenge On Her Ex By Sending Nudes To His Teenage Son

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:27 p.m. ET

Oftentimes, we wish the best for our exes. We want to see them happy. We want to see them succeed, especially if we were the ones who wanted to end things in the first place.
But every so often, we'll see an ex of ours that'll make our blood boil, and the very last thing we want to see is them happy. And if they are, well RIP to any of the loved ones in your life because dealing with you for the next few hours is not going to be fun.
And some people go so far as to get back at their ex in petty ways: they go out with more attractive people and make sure to take plenty of selfies and blast them online.
Or they do what this Iowa woman did: send nudes to their teenage son in what has to be the creepiest/pettiest form of vengeance ever.

Charlotte Klisares wasn't what you would call "over" her ex. The 46-year-old real estate agent reached out to her ex-boyfriend's 17-year-old son via Facebook message and attached nude pics, which "clearly bothered" the teen. Because like, dude, who wants to see the woman your dad had sex with, naked? Gross.
Turns out sending nudes to a minor is never a good idea because being a pedophile is a super serious offense. Something Charlotte probably didn't consider.

Des Moines police Sergeant Paul Parizek commented on the situation:
"Basically, the whole thing started with a domestic situation with her and her now ex-boyfriend. They’d split up, there was some arguing going back and forth and both were kind of alleging some harassment."
But wait, there's more! Klisares' lawyer revealed a damning 10-second voicemail from her ex that gives some insight into their unhealthy-sounding relationship.

"You f*cking called the [cops], cost me $2,000 to get home, to get out of jail tonight, for public intoxication. Thank you. I promise, I’ll get your ass back."
Which was apparently a reference to a sex tape that they had made together. Klisares alleges that her ex-partner threatened to put it online. So she decided to beat him to the punch by sending nudes to his teen son.
Klisares lawyer also released this statement.
“Ms. Klisares has been the recent victim of domestic abuse and this is just another attempt by the abuser to intimidate, harass and bully her because she stood up for herself. We will address these allegations through the criminal justice system and we are confidant that the truth of these allegations will become apparent once both sides of the story come to light. Ms. Klisares would like to remind those that are the victims of domestic abuse to come forward and seek assistance through the advocacy programs available. They are helping to keep her strong and focused during this difficult time. We are confident that the truth will prevail.”
Klisares was ultimately arrested for sending the nudes and charged with dissemination and exhibition of obscene material to minors. She's currently held on a $1,000 bond. (h/t brobible)
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