25 People Share the Weirdest Dates They've Ever Been On

Updated Jan. 21 2020, 4:08 p.m. ET

This is not necessarily a list of the worst dates people have been on. But it is definitely a list of the weirdest. Twitter user @postgrad_barty asked people to share stories of their most bizarre dates. Between blind dates, set-ups, and online encounters, thousands of people had shocking tales of strange people and weird situations. Some of these you probably won't even believe.
When I first read this story, I thought it was pretty weird. Sitting across the theater from each other and then going separate ways after the movie? Strange. But this is tame compared to the rest of the stories. Believe me.

There is nothing creepier than ordering food on a date and not eating it while sitting there watching your date eat. There are a few stories on this list where this is an element, and I don't know what I'd do if I was in this situation. If you're nervous, pretend to eat. Take a few bites. Move the food around on your plate. For goodness' sake.
Four hotdogs and then arm floaties and then not swimming? I have so many questions. Mainly, did he have the arm floaties on him the whole time? Even at the hotdog place? Like, he knew he was going to the beach, asking his date to blow up his arm floaties, and then sit there and not swim?
The pressure to keep buying stuff is weird (why did she keep doing it?!), but the farting and trying to catch a pigeon with his hands really bring this story to the next level. Was this man a toddler in a Big situation? That seems like the only explanation.
This is simply an amazing thing to picture. I thought side cars were reserved for children and dogs wearing goggles. It probably felt very silly to sit in the side car for the whole ride.
This is an insane story and there are only two possible explanations. Either she was crazy and murderous, or he was super creepy and did something awful that terrified her. He wouldn't tell us about the second one, so I don't know what to believe.
He put his hand in her mouth He. Put. His. Hand. In. Her. Mouth. How did he think that was appropriate? I don't even know where you go from there. After you put your hand in your date's mouth to ask her about her wobbly tooth, you can't be like, "So, dinner?"
I mean, once you watch someone blow vape clouds through their didgeridoo, you've reached a level of intimacy most people never do. They were bonded for life after that.
This is incredible. All she had to do was have a friend call her and fake an emergency. Getting fake-arrested really took it over the top.
This is so bizarre. I don't understand why he would suggest they go see that movie if he already saw it and was bored by it. Also, anyone who plays a game on their phone at full brightness in a movie theater is a psychopath.
It seems like this girl was really going through something, huh? A McDonald's date could be fun if both parties have the right attitude about it and also aren't very seriously trying to convince the other person that McDonald's chicken is their big hit.
No. No! There's no way this happened, right? This is insane. When he introduced himself, was he straight up like, "I'm Matt (I'm assuming his name was Matt), and this is my ex-girlfriend, Marci. She's going to help me decide if I like you or not."
I do not understand these people who don't eat on dates that take place in restaurants. But this weirdo took it one step further by driving them to Taco Bell and eating more tacos in one sitting than any human should. I think that this point in the date, I would get out of the car and hide in the racks at J.C. Penney.
This is taking the non-eating freak thing to a truly creeper level. How she didn't call the police and report him for being a total stalker is beyond me. If I noticed him following me, there's no way I would drive to my house! I'd be convinced he would attack me in the middle of the night!
I have no many questions. Did he think this was like a cool, suave thing to do? How did she respond? Also, was his face on the condom wrapper? Because that's weird. Or was it on the actual condom? Because that's even weirder.
OK, sure, this is not the ideal end to a date, but I have to admit... Mongolian throat singing is really cool. Seriously. YouTube it. It's really impressive and sort of mesmerizing. Seriously. Do it. You won't regret it.
It's crazy to me that she stayed for him crying through all three songs, but admittedly, I probably would, too. After "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" and "Eye of the Tiger," I would have to know what was coming next. And I would have never guessed it would be "Thriller."
This is definitely something. It's super weird if all he wrote was that he liked watching Mad Men. It's less weird, though, if he wrote, "I love Mad Men so much that I live every day like it's the 1950s and I would like anyone I date to do the same." So clearly, we don't know the whole story.
I am very confused about what happened on this date. Why the pictures of Danny DeVito? Why the multiple hours of printing pictures of Danny DeVito? Why the water bottle full of milk? And the bag of Oreos? Why? Why? Whyyyyyyyyy? The fact that they're still friends says a lot about Arden here.
Got to love a happy ending! I think I would run screaming if a guy had me meet his entire grieving family on the first date, but it seems like this woman handled it pretty well because it worked out.
Hand salad is not acceptable on a date! What does "not big into utensils" mean? Does she also eat soup with her hands? No God-fearing woman should feel comfortable eating salad with her hands on a date. This is insane.
This might be the best story in the bunch. How do you recover from such a blunder? You can't be like, "Oh right, I knew that. This present and card in which I wrote, 'Sorry about your pet bat, the animal you owned, that died,' is just a joke. Funny, right?" You simply can't get away with that!
This is incredible. Apparently this guy has a habit of bringing his dates to his therapist!! Without warning both his date and his therapist! If I was the date in this situation, I would absolutely need to know what this was all about.
Did... Did she think he wasn't going to notice her six children? Or did she think he would just let it slide? Look, I know it's tough to tell people you're dating about your family situation, but I guarantee this is not the way to do it. Springing six kids on a date will work exactly zero times.
Not going to lie, I know a lot of people who find Indiana Jones very sexy. But even those people would probably find this sudden cosplay situation (not to mention the single lamp and blow-up couch in an otherwise fancy apartment) very strange.