This Guy's Fast Walker Versus Fast Walker Conundrum Is All Too Relatable
Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:37 p.m. ET
If you've ever worked in a big city, then you not only know the struggles of vehicular commuting, but just walking on the darn street trying to get to where you need to go.
I don't miss having to trudge through Manhattan every morning and evening to get to and from work. The myriad of tourists, street performers, selfie-taking nerds, and costumed street performers extorting people for money was a nightmare.
But stationery people were easy to bypass, the worst are those who clog up the sidewalks with their snail-pace walking.
There are tons of ways to deal with slow walkers. You can dart around them the second there's an opening if you're not in the mood to employ the ringing bell strategy like up above. Or you can mock their slow pace while trudging behind them to at least entertain yourself as you're late to whatever appointment you have.
But what happens when you, a fast walker, encounter another fast walker who's slightly slower than you are? You need to pass this person because you don't want to be that awkward kind of close walker who just lulls behind an individual, making them uncomfortable.
Something that Twitter user Gabe Rivera brought up online which started a whole conversation of the nature of fast walking dos and don'ts.
There are rules about personal space.
And even though you have to pretty much jog to get past them, Rivera argues it's an important move to shame people into getting out of the way.
I just don't understand why people don't follow the rules of road traffic when walking. If you want to be slow, stay on the left.
But standardizing a fast walker walking pace would be nice.
There have been extensive studies and commentaries on this important social cultural phenomenon.
Something that Rivera couldn't help but appreciate and use to bolster his point.
Like drivers, however, you have to imagine that there are some people out there who will walk more quickly to prevent you from passing.
Now although this might seem like rare occurrence, it probably does happen a lot more than you think.
But, like any good scientific study, the most meaningful results are conducted in the field.
Some men brought up the problem of being a fast walker on a sidewalk with a female fast walker.
To which other people responded with some solid tips on avoiding any awkwardness.
You know when you come up with the perfect comeback to what someone said? It's called "The Spirit of the Staircase." Basically, you think of what you would've said at the party to that person just as you're leaving.
So why isn't there a word or phrase for fast walking frustration?
Regardless of what it's called, it's just such a nuanced act.
Some people, believe it or not, take an inordinate amount of pride in how quickly they can walk.
While others just think this is a conversation that deserves more attention than it currently receives.
It's difficult to argue that it isn't important and if you don't think so, well, come talk to me after you're in a hurry on a crowded sidewalk one day and there's someone in slightly less of a hurry than you ambling about.