38 Dogs So Awkward They Are Actually Kind Of Cute
Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:21 p.m. ET

Part of what makes dogs so delightful is how awkward they are. What makes them even more delightful is that they are completely clueless as to how awkward they are. Think about it: Have you ever seen a dog embarrassed?
It's a good thing that dogs don't really feel shame. They'd be much less entertaining if they did. For example, I once had a dog jump headfirst into a glass door. If he were then to shrivel up and hide afterwards the whole experience would be much less endearing.
Or maybe not. I don't know. That actually sounds pretty cute, too.
1. Cheese!

2. You'll grow into your body.
3. Don't ruin this for us.
4. You guys talking about me?
5. Mine!
6. Why won't anyone pet me?
What a beaut from Unorthodog
7. Am I digging?
8. Smile!
9. What's going on up there?
10. I'll gnaw my way through eventually.

11. So comfy.

12. Care for a lick?
13. It's not what it looks like!
14. Nailed it!
15. I see you!
16. This dog has seen some stuff.

17. Wanna share?
18. I have no idea what's going on.

19. Mr. Pink is a good worker.

20. Yum!

21. Cone of what now?
22. Dogs are magic.

23. Come at me, bro!
24. What are you looking at?
25. Here I come!
26. How could she not?

27. What happened to your joints?
28. Get back here!
29. Look at that smile!

30. She looks like she just ate something sour.
31. What an... interesting combination of features.