Watching Chrissy Teigen's Daughter Get Her Passport Photo Taken Is Amazing
Updated July 23 2019, 11:38 a.m. ET

There are a lot of celebrities and adorable celeb kids to love out there, but no pairing is quite as perfect as Chrissy Teigen and her daughter Luna.
From trolling dad John Legend with Arthur memes to Chrissy making fun of baby names that are not Luna, this mother-daughter duo is hands down one of the best, if not, the best part of social media. Seriously, little brother Miles is facing some tough competition when it comes to winning over Chrissy's 10 million Twitter followers like his big sis.
We know it's only a matter of time before Luna is serving up some of her own killer clapbacks, just like her mama.
But really, they've got it all: great pics, funny stories, and stunning smiles. Though Luna looks adorable when she's engaged in serious business, too:
The two also seem to delight each other in every way, and to do everything together.
And they share a startlingly similar fashion sense:
Since Luna goes wherever Teigen goes, she obviously needs a passport. That's a baby meant to travel.
Teigen shared the process of getting Luna set up for her journeys. She needed a passport photo before the passport. The first video Teigen shared shows Luna entering the passport photo office looking like a little star:
If Luna's mom says she's thinking swears, I believe her.
Though she is cooler than most of us will ever be in our adult lives, Luna still has some of the same issues as most tiny children. Like trouble sitting still.
Teigen's next video showed how they were working around the issue of taking Luna's picture:
There she is, sitting in someone's lap. I'm assuming it's her dad, John Legend, but who knows. What I love most about this video is that the post office clearly keeps this piece of cardboard around for exactly this kind of emergency.
My second favorite part is this little side-eye Luna throws at her mom in the middle of the whole routine:
"Mom, wtf?"
I've never thought about how hard it is to get kids to pose for official photos, but the replies show it's a pretty common problem:
It's been going on since photos were invented, in fact:
But people who don't know about this experience first-hand still found it hilarious:
This kid is going places.
Literally. She has a passport.