Ray J's 'Moving' Hat Is Making Moves on the Internet
Updated Jan. 21 2019, 5:37 p.m. ET
Ray J once again broke the internet. But this time, he didn't get help from Mrs. Kim Kardashian West. No, his on-screen partner that everyone couldn't stop talking about was his hat.
In a recent episode of Love & Hip-Hop: Hollywood, the rapper was seen wearing a black knit cap during a scene with Safaree Samuels. The serious conversation should have kept viewers on their toes. However, in the short scene, Ray J's hat stole the show — literally!
During each cutaway to Ray J, his black hat was positioned differently on his head, and we never see him reaching for his cap. So, who was moving this "ghost" hat? The cap looked as though it had a mind of its own... and of course, the internet could not resist giving their own two cents.
Check out our roundup of some of the most hilarious memes inspired by Ray J's "ghost" hat.
When deciding your mood for the day, you can always pick a version of Ray J's hat to describe how you feel. Are you feeling low, high, off-center today?
We know the Love & Hip-Hop: Hollywood stars love to play games, but we didn't know their accessories liked to participate in the fun as well. With Ray J's hat playing the popular kid's game, we wonder if Safaree was giving the signals?
When people say, "put your thinking cap on," we never thought they meant it literally...
Ray J can't believe his moving hat caused such a stir on the internet.
In a conversation with TMZ, Ray J opened up about the mysterious placements of his hat. His answer: "It has a mind of its own." The rapper then continues to explain that the conversation with Safaree was originally over an hour long and the clip shown was less than one minute. He told the outlet that he was stressing during the heated conversation ... and so was his hat.
Not only does his hat have a "mind of its own," it also now has its own Instagram page. In true viral fashion, there is now a page dedicated to his black beanie. With only 73 followers currently, we predict this number to grow.
And move over Drake, because your "In My Feelings" Challenge is dying down and Ray J's hat is here to take over. Not only does the viral beanie have its own social media page, it also started a challenge, accurately dubbed #RayJHatChallenge. Fans everywhere are uploading videos of themselves having conversations, and their hats are stealing the show.
So what is the #RayJHatChallenge?
Instagrammer @laughswittravie kicked off the viral trend by sharing some words of wisdom — while his hat seemingly moved everywhere from his head to his shoulder on its own.
Even Chrissy Teigen has her own take on the challenge. And Chrissy, we will definitely be looking out for your hat challenge video!

Hats aren't the only thing people are using. This fan decided to create a spin on the popular hat challenge and changed up her hair style. We love that people are getting creative with their videos.
Even Ray J's other on screen partner, Safaree, got in on the challenge, and we think his baby girl has the best challenge video so far.
So, will you be participating in the #RayJHatChallenge?