'Pretty Little Mamas' Is as Real as MTV Gets

Updated Aug. 28 2018, 2:33 p.m. ET

Our newest obsession is officially Pretty Little Mamas. The latest reality show from MTV follows the lives of five glam (and super young) moms living in San Diego as they raise their adorable kids.
A combination of Real Housewives and Teen Mom, the series will star Nicole, 24, and her girl squad of BFFs — Alyssa, 25, Cheyenne, 24, Nikki, 24, and Chandlar, 25 — as they balance relationships (expect some cute baby daddies) and motherhood. However, it's no surprise viewers are already skeptical of the series. It is MTV, after all.
"Not sure how I feel about the new MTV show Pretty Little Mamas. By the previews it’s like they are trying to turn real life drama queens into the Pretty Little Liars but with babies and no A," one soon-to-be fan tweeted. Another added, "Pretty Little Mamas sounds like a a fake reality show SNL would use for a skit."

So, is Pretty Little Mamas real or scripted?
According to the cast, it's very real — and they hope to clear up some misconceptions when it comes to having kids at a young age along the way.
"It's not the norm to have kids super young these days, but it takes a lot to be a young mom," Nikki told MTV News. "I don't think we get enough credit."
Her co-star and Queen Bee Nicole added, "I think it would be if you have a kid young, your life is over. I think a lot of people go 'Well, there goes your life.' For me, I feel like my life just started when I had [daughter] Noelle."
But remember, this is the network that brought you Laguna Beach and The Hills — so expect some edited moments as the show gains popularity.
"It was both [real and fake]. A lot of the jump off points — the relationships, the conflicts — a lot of those things all were 100 percent real in my mind," The Hills executive producer David George explained to ABC News. "But I also think that the show was embellished at certain points and liberties were taken. And as shows progress and storylines have to go further, the show has to be produced more and more. The answer to that is both."

The plot does seems like it was taken from a Lifetime movie — five high school cheerleading BFFs who all got pregnant the summer after senior year. But it's very real for the PLMs who lived through it.
"When I got pregnant my parents were livid and I pretty much had to stay indoors," Nicole explained on the show. "It was a lot of drama." Chandlar agreed, adding, "I got pregnant with Aubrey and my dad disowned me." However, they seemed to have proved their parents wrong.
They're not regular moms. They're cool moms. Watch Pretty Little Mamas Thursday nights at 9 p.m. on MTV.