12 Creepy Groupie Stories That Show The Music Industry’s Dark Side
<p>Here are all the time musicians had alleged underage sex with groupies, fans, and mistresses.</p>
Updated April 21 2020, 11:55 a.m. ET

The '60s and '70s were a different time. People were wilder back then, did whatever they wanted, and weren't burdened by social media or TMZ. Because of that, many musicians boldly had relationships with teenage groupies and even had affairs with underage mistresses. Today, it feels bizarre that the world allowed that to happen and considered it "normal," but many of those same groupies grew up and lived to tell their tales. Below, all the times musicians allegedly hooked up with underage fans.
1. Steven Tyler allegedly adopted a 16-year-old girl, impregnated her, then forced her to have an abortion.

The Aerosmith frontman has a sordid past many aren't even aware of. Back in the '70s, he dated teenager Julia Holcomb, who only recently told her side of the story in 2011. According to her, Steven asked her mother to sign away guardian rights over to him so that he could take her across state lines. "His guardianship of me complicated things further," she wrote. "I was subordinate to him as in a parent relationship and felt I had little control over my life."
If that isn't creepy enough, Steven started pressuring her to have children and even threw her birth control away. Once she finally got pregnant, Steven abandoned her at an apartment all by herself with no money while he went on a world tour. When he came back, he suddenly changed his mind about wanting a family and forced Julia to have an abortion, according to her account. She stayed with him for another year before they broke up. Although she vowed to never speak of him again, Steven had a different outlook.
"He has talked of me as a sex object without any human dignity," she wrote. "I have made a point over these long years never to speak of him, yet he has repeatedly humiliated me in print with distortions of our time together. I do not understand why he has done this. It has been very painful."
2. David Bowie allegedly took a 14-year-old's virginity.

As much as everyone loves the late rocker, he was a product of the '70s. Back in 2015, notorious teen groupie Lori Mattix (sometimes known as Maddox) revealed that she lost her virginity to David in 1973:
"He focused his famously two-colored eyes on me and said, 'Lori, darling, can you come with me?' [...] He walked me through his bedroom and into the bathroom, where he dropped his kimono. He got into the tub, already filled with water, and asked me to wash him. Of course I did. Then he escorted me into the bedroom, gently took off my clothes, and de-virginized me.
She also admitted to having a threesome with him and fellow teen groupie, Sable Starr. However, Lori has zero regrets. "I was an innocent girl, but the way it happened was so beautiful," she told Thrillist. "Who wouldn’t want to lose their virginity to David Bowie?"
3. Jimmy Page once kidnapped a 14-year-old groupie, according to her account.

Lori didn't sleep with only David Bowie. Her next conquest was the Led Zeppelin guitarist, who she also met when she was 14. According to her, Jimmy called her out of the blue one day. She didn't believe it was him, but while attending a concert, a big, burly man suddenly told her she had to come with him:
"That night we all wound up at the Rainbow, where I got approached by Led Zeppelin’s manager Peter Grant. He was like 700 pounds and scary as hell. He said, 'You’re coming with me, young lady.' I wound up in a limo and didn’t know where I was going. But it was to the Hyatt. I felt like I was being kidnapped. I got taken into a room and there was Jimmy Page. He wore a wide-brimmed hat and held a cane. It was perfect. He mesmerized me. I fell in love instantly. "
Unfortunately for Lori, their love story came to an end when she walked in on him cheating on her. But like her experience with David, Lori said she had no regrets about their relationship. "He will always be one of the great loves of my life," she said.
4. Mick Jagger had a "bondage" room.

Lori claims she also had sex with the Rolling Stones frontman, who she says took her into a "bondage-themed bedroom" where they did drugs and hung out until the morning. “The sex was very consensual,” she said. “You need to understand that I didn’t think of myself as underage.”
5. Anthony Kiedis had sex with a 14-year-old and even wrote about it.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers singer pretty much bragged about sleeping with a 14-year-old Catholic schoolgirl in his autobiography, Scar Tissue. He wrote:
"The next day we drove to Baton Rouge, and of course, she came with us. After we got offstage, she came up to me and said, ‘I have something to tell you. My father’s the chief of police and the entire state of Louisiana is looking for me because I’ve gone missing. Oh, and besides that, I’m only fourteen.’ I wasn’t incredibly scared, because in my somewhat deluded mind, I knew that if she told the chief of police she was in love with me, he wasn’t going to have me taken out to a field and shot, but I did want to get her the hell back home right away. So we had sex one more time.”
6. R. Kelly allegedly recruits underage fans for his "sex cult."

Unlike the other stories in this list, the allegations against R. Kelly are eerily recent. The evidence against the R&B singer is mounting, from marrying Aaliyah when she was just 15 years old (which was later annulled) to the sex tape of him allegedly peeing on an underage girl. However, the biggest allegation against him is that he allegedly recruited teen groupies for a "sex cult." R. Kelly addressed the allegations in his song "I Admit" where he sort of confessed, although not really:
"I admit I $&$# with all the ladies (ladies)
That's both older and young ladies (yeah)
But tell me how they call it pedophile because of that
@#$^, that's crazy (crazy)"
Considering this story is only a year old, you'd think there would've been a bigger backlash, but streams for his music are actually increasing.
7. Bill Wyman hooked up with a 14-year-old and then married her.

In 2010, former groupie Mandy Smith alleged she started a relationship with the Rolling Stones guitarist when she was just 14. The two eventually got married when she was 18 but got divorced only two years later. Today, she's a rediscovered Catholic who regrets hooking up with the rocker when she was so young. "I don't think most 16-year-olds are ready," she told The Daily Mail. "I think the age of consent should be raised to 18 at a minimum, and some girls aren't even ready then."
8. Elvis Presley liked to have underage slumber parties.

According to friends, Elvis had an obsession with "young teenage girls," which he creepily called "cherries." According to Baby, Let's Play House, Elvis felt insecure about pleasing older women and would invite groups of young fans to his house for sleepovers instead. At these late-night sessions, Elvis would tickle and kiss them, play-fight with them, and even teach them how to put on makeup the way he liked. He would later meet his first wife, Priscilla Presley, when she was just 14.
9. Ted Nugent once had a girlfriend so young, he had to get her parents' permission to date her.

In 1981, the rocker boldly released a song called "Jailbait" and another song called (no joke) "I Am a Predator." How did he get away with this again? In addition to that, he also dated 17-year-old Pele Massa in 1978 when he was 30 and creepily had to get permission from her parents. "It just really wasn’t a terribly appropriate situation in most people’s eyes,” Pele said in the documentary, Behind the Music. “And now, it would be criminal.”
10. Iggy Pop slept with a 13-year-old groupie and even admitted it in a song.

The song "Look Away" on Iggy's 1996 album Naughty Little Doggy chronicled his involvement with famous groupie, Sable Starr:
I slept with Sable when she was 13
Her parents were too rich to do anything
She rocked her way around LA
'Til a New York Doll carried her away
The "New York Doll" he was referring to was New York Dolls member Johnny Thunders, who Sable started dating when she was 16, according to Please Kill Me: the Uncensored Oral History of Punk.
11. Don Henley was arrested for "contributing to the delinquency of a minor."

In 1980, the Eagles band member was arrested after calling 911 when a 16-year-old girl overdosed on quaaludes and cocaine at his house. The teen was later arrested for prostitution, along with another 15-year-old girl also found at Don's house that night. He maintained he didn't sleep with either of them, but he was fined $2,000 and given a two-year probation. "I took complete blame for everything," he later told GQ. "I was stupid; I could have flushed everything down the toilet. I didn't want this girl dying in my house."
12. Marvin Gaye left his wife for his 17-year-old mistress.

While estranged from his wife Anna Gordy, Marvin started wooing 17-year-old Jan Gaye. According to her autobiography, on their first date, Marvin had to bribe the waiter to get them to serve Jan an apricot sour. He later convinced her to drop out of school, telling her, "I can teach you everything you need to know." However, their relationship started to change once they were married and Jan gave birth to their first child. Marvin started complaining to her about her stretch marks and "saggy" breasts. "I was barely 22,” she wrote in her book, “yet was convinced that I had lost my youth forever."
Men. Still terrible after all these years.