All Signs Seem to Show Buddy From 'My Big Fat Fabulous Life' Is Single These Days
Updated Jan. 15 2019, 4:55 p.m. ET

Between Buddy Bell's cocaine addiction and rumors of Whitney Thore's pregnancy, there's a lot to unpack in this season of TLC's My Big Fat Fabulous Life. The show, which follows self-described "fat girl" Whitney's life, family and friends deliver their share of interpersonal drama. Ahead of tonight's episode, fans have many speculations about Whitney's roommate Buddy's private life — particularly his new girlfriend.
After breaking up with Heather towards the end of last season, saying "it [didn't] come down to you not making me happy, I'm sorry for letting you down," Buddy got quickly entangled with another woman, Chelsea Roark. So quickly, in fact, that Heather's and viewers' heads were left spinning.

But now, Chelsea is nowhere to be found on Buddy's Instagram profile, where he was once posting daily photos of her and the cute notes they'd exchange.
So, did Buddy Bell and Chelsea break up?
My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans are clamoring all over reddit, discussing the possibility of Buddy's new bachelor status. "I just checked his IG and yeah, he definitely hasn't posted about her in a while. When I last checked a couple of months back it was seeming like he was head over heels in love with her," wrote one. Another added, "He seemed totally obsessed with that Chelsea girl. Nonstop posting about her, something drastic must have happened."
Although we'll probably see the drama play out in this season of the TLC show, it's safe to say the two are no longer an item. For one, Buddy stopped posting pictures of Chelsea as soon as they came back from their trip in Alaska. And two, although he hasn't removed the pics of or mentioning her, eagle-eyed fans realized he "stopped following her on IG" around that time as well. If that's not the mark of a cold breakup these days, what is?
As for Chelsea, formerly of @chelsearoarkk on the platform, she seems to have deactivated her account altogether. Some people are just taking her absence from Buddy's social media to mean he's on a break from the relationship while filming, or has, more likely, just taken the PDA a million notches down so that there could be some suspense regarding who he'd end up with this season.
Are Buddy and Heather getting back together?
Fans will remember Buddy and Heather's very onscreen, very devastating breakup from the end of last season. Now that Buddy seems to be free of Chelsea and also appears to have kicked his cocaine addiction, some are hopeful he'll give a relationship with Heather another shot.
"Not sure why I feel this way, but I’m hopeful Buddy and Heather get back together. He seems to have improved himself so much and is happier," writes one fan on reddit. "I don't know how I'd feel if Heather and Buddy did get back together, I kind of feel like she deserves better. But I wouldn't be too surprised if it happened, Heather seemed to deeply love him," added another.

People seem to agree that Heather deserves better than Buddy, especially after the rollercoaster of drama he's put her through in just last season alone. "I really felt for Heather," writes one die-hard. "Obviously we don’t know the details of her and Buddy’s relationship but I thought it was really unfair of Buddy to put Heather through all that he had with his addiction and everything and then kind of act like he couldn’t be bothered by the hurt he caused her at the end of the relationship. He came off kind of immature imo."
Don't miss tonight's episode of My Big Fat Fabulous Life on TLC at 8 p.m. to learn whether Buddy and Chelsea are still an item on the DL, or whether he's moved on or back to Heather.