Are Any Couples From 'Back With the Ex' Still Together Today?
Updated April 26 2020, 6:27 p.m. ET

Is it just us or is Australian television really having a Netflix moment? First there was Instant Hotel, and now there's Back with the Ex, a show that follows four sets of ex-couples to see whether they'll leave the past behind them or rekindle their romance and get back together.
Fans call it relatable and entertaining, in the cringiest of ways. If you're done bingeing the show and are curious whether any of the four ex-couples are still together today, read on for every cast member's current relationship status.
Warning: This article is FULL of spoilers.
Meg and Jeremy

When we're introduced to Meg and Jeremy, he sums up how they first met: "We met at a party when I was 17. I remember I was thinking that Meg was hot. She’s hot, she looked really, just, hot. I do think I was punching above my weight. I don’t know how she ended up liking me, but I felt loved, she made me feel loved.”
From the get-go, they're totally up and down, which Jeremy reveals early on when he notes, “There’s definitely two sides of Meg: there’s like, the fun and happy Meg, and then there’s the angry, bitchy Meg.”
Gee, I wonder why that couple didn't work out. Although the show brought this couple back together in the last episode, from the looks of Jeremy's Instagram, it seems the Sydney-based fisherman is enjoying single life these days.
Cam and Kate

Most viewers agree their favorite couple on the show is Cam and Kate. "Ah young love," writes one die-hard fan on reddit. "Such an appeal. But I’m sorry the girl cheated for reasons she’s too terrified to admit to herself about. Being with someone for so long when you’re young is intoxicating and enveloping and safe."
"She missed the comfort of his known quantity. Hopefully they can mature in their lives and find good healthy relationships moving forward without the safety net of 'I think I’ll just marry the first person ever',” they continue.
But even though they appeared to make their relationship work on the show, with Cam getting over his trust issues and finally agreeing to move in together, Kate's Instagram account shows her posing with another "lover boy" in a recent pic. But from the looks of the comments Cam leaves on her photos, the breakup happened on friendly terms.
Erik and Lauren

Back with the Ex's fanbase seems to agree on a lot of things: Cam and Kate were the best and Erik and Lauren were undoubtedly the season's worst. Originally, the two had broken up because Erik was controlling and abusive. Example: "One year, he gave me a birthday card with a cheque for $10,000 and, in the envelope, there was a breast-augmentation brochure," Lauren recalls on the show.
Lauren gave him a million chances while they were actually dating, but he was the type of guy who seemed satisfied with seeing her only once a year for the six years they were "together." After a long time apart, they try to give their relationship another shot, but Lauren's much more independent and "not the same shy girl that will bow to his every command," she declares. Although we think this couple will end up together, she leaves him at decision time on the last episode. Good riddance! Her Instagram account shows that she's living her best life now and has a new boo called Michael.
Peter and Diane

This older couple was apart for 28 years before Back with the Ex brought them back together. In that time, they both got married, had children, got divorced, and Diane even moved back to North Carolina, where she's originally from. But even during their marriage to other people, the two said they'd think about each other every day.
Although the show does manage to give them another shot at love, and ends with Peter proposing to Diane in front of the Eiffel Tower, Diane recently told Who that the couple has officially called it quits. We were really rooting for them and their plan of spending half of the year Stateside and the other half down under! Love is dead, you guys.
Nevertheless, don't miss this binge-worthy show streaming now on Netflix.