'Seeking Sister Wife' Star Tami Winder Is "Hesitant" to Add Third Wife to Family

Updated March 22 2021, 11:03 a.m. ET

The season premiere of Seeking Sister Wife: Up Close and Plural is just around the corner, and The Winders from Southern Utah are looking to add a third wife to their family.
However, Colton Winder's first wife, Tami, is having some reservations when it comes to growing their family of five. "I'm a little hesitant to add another wife," she said on the TLC series. "There's a lot of changes that I am still getting used to with adding Sophie to our family."
Colton, on the other hand, is more than ready to find another spouse, telling Tami, "If we're going to follow the will of the Lord, this family will grow."

So, did the Winders find a third sister wife?
From the looks of Colton's Facebook page, it seems the Winders are still seeking a third wife. And it shouldn't come as a huge surprise, seeing as Tami — who was married to Colton for eight years before adding a second wife, Sophie — revealed she struggled with sharing her husband.
"In the beginning, it was a little more common to feel jealous," she explained. "It was really hard for me to not say, like, ‘What does she have that I don’t?’ And it took a while to understand that, even though we’re different, we are connected by one common thing, and that’s Colton."
This does not mean that Tami is regretting her decision to become a polygamist. "Even though I don't come from a plural family, living plural marriage was something I wanted to do," she explained. "But if I'm being honest, it was something I didn't think would happen until we died and went to heaven. It was something I didn't even talk to Colton about until after we were married and we were both pleasantly surprised that we both believe in plural. So, I think it was meant to be."

What religion do the Winders practice?
Colton and his wives are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints — more commonly known as the Mormon Church or LDS. Although officially terminated by the church in 1890, the practice of polygamy continues under the radar in some communities — as seen on this reality series and Sister Wives. For the Winders, polygamy is a way for her family to prepare to become "gods and goddesses" of their own world.
"We believe that there’s no better way to become my God than plural marriage because we believe God lives plural marriage as well," Tami continued.
Sophie's family is not 100 percent supportive of her polygamist marriage.
While Sophie's grandmother was her chaperone while she courted Colton, it seems another member of her family does not agree with her new lifestyle.
"Do you feel you're living the life you're supposed to live because that's what your family has done... it doesn't make sense to me," the relative asked. Sophie quickly responded, "I'm living this lifestyle because I was called to it."
She continued, "I don't feel like there is any need to apologize."

Where are the Winders today?
You can follow Tami on Facebook — where she recently shared an updated photo of her daughter, Sadie, 2. Colton is also active on social media, but sticks to posting images of landscapes instead of his family. We guess we'll have to wait and see if a third wife will make her debut in 2019!
Watch Seeking Sister Wife Sundays at 8 p.m. on TLC.