What 8 Stars' Kids Think About Their R-Rated Career Moments
<p>Although most celebrity kids simply refuse to watch their parents' films, a few have had a reluctant front row seat to their famous parents' R-rated pasts.</p>
Updated Jan. 29 2019, 4:44 a.m. ET

It's not easy being a celebrity kid. Not only are they and their parents scrutinized before they're even old enough to talk, but they also have to deal with the cringeworthy reality that their parents were naked in a movie or gyrated in a thong in a music video once. When kids reach the age when they start realizing mom is famous for doing things that aren't very "mom-like," things can get awkward.
Although most celebrity kids' parents, like Nicole Kidman and Amy Adams, refuse to let them see the R-rated moments, a few stars' offspring have had reluctant front row seats. Here's what they thought about it.
1. Madonna's daughter, Lourdes

Madonna has spent most of her almost 40-year career singing about sex. So what do her two eldest kids, Lourdes and Rocco, think about it?
“Lola’s horrified by all of it," Madonna told Carson Daly back in 2016. "She just wants me to be her mom. At this point, Rocco doesn’t care. It just goes over. He’s like, ‘Ugh, Mom. Mom’s being Mom.' The other little kids aren’t tuned into that frequency yet."
That same year, when Lourdes accompanied her mom to a screening of Madonna: Truth or Dare, an insider reported that the 22-year-old looked a little uncomfortable during the film's racier scenes:
"On the Evian bottle scene [where Madonna simulated fellatio on a bottle], I do have to admit [Lourdes] kind of like... reached over to her mother," [Alek] Keshishian said, reporting that Madonna gave her daughter a mortified expression. He then imitated Lola's reaction to the scene, going from closing her eyes, to opening them and looking shocked, to closing them again. As for the star of the film, Keshishian noted, "And Madonna, by the way, sat perfectly still." Lola was later overheard raving about her mom's '90s-chic looks from the film.
2. Beyoncé's daughter, Blue Ivy
It's awesome being Beyoncé and Jay Z's kid. You get to sing on their albums, walk down red carpets, and even chill in a room full of $1 million worth of toys. The downside to being their kid? Well, you might have to awkwardly watch your parents make out at a concert. Last year, a video showed the 7-year-old looking mortified as she watched a video of her parents rolling around in bed. Horrified, Blue covered her eyes before ducking to the floor. Needless to say, it was pretty obvious how she felt about watching her parents be intimate.
3. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds' daughter, James

Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool isn't appropriate enough for kids, but that didn't stop his youngest daughter, James, from seeing a peek while on a 14-hour plane ride, as wife Blake Lively described it:
“I was on a plane with my baby. It’s kind of torture these days, because I’m on a plane and everywhere I look there’s my husband in a sex montage throughout the holidays with another woman – because everyone wants to watch Deadpool on a plane. So for 14 hours having your husband have mashed potatoes eaten out of his butthole – because that’s in the film. It’s lonely, it’s a cruel and unusual form of torture.”
Although it was hell for Blake, her daughter was too young to fully comprehend what she was watching.
“My daughter goes ‘Dada’ and is hugging and kissing the screen and waving at him and doesn’t understand why he isn’t waving back. Because she thinks it’s like FaceTime. But she doesn’t understand Dada is getting it with the mashed potatoes.”
4. Hugh Jackman

When Hugh Jackman appeared nude in X-Men: Days Of Future Past, he forgot to warn his daughter, Ava.
“It is actually really cool to watch it with them until you get to the moment where you’re naked onscreen and you forgot to warn your almost 9-year-old daughter,” Hugh told The New York Daily News. “She says ‘Dad, why aren’t you wearing underwear?'”
5. Dakota Johnson

Growing up in a Hollywood family (both her mother, Melanie Griffith, and grandmother, Tippi Hedren, are actresses), Dakota was desensitized to movie sex scenes. In fact, she even watched her parents film sex scenes as a kid!
“I was around for a lot of it and I would watch them,” Dakota told Net-a-Porter.com’s The Edit Magazine. “But there were also things I could see that I didn’t want to, like watch my parents have sex with other people.”
However, for her, violent scenes were far more disturbing.
“There was a scene where my mom got slapped in the face,” she explained. “I lost my mind! I couldn’t deal with that at all.”
6. Kate Winslet's daughter, Mia

Although most kids would be disgusted at the idea of their mom having an intimate scene with a co-star, for Kate Winslet's daughter, she was actually jealous. But then again, her co-star was Liam Hemsworth, after all.
“When I told my daughter that I was shooting the scene that day, she spluttered … I took it to be jealousy,” she told BBC’s The One Show in 2015. "But I did feel quite bad for Liam. He’s a sweet guy but I couldn’t stop giggling... My daughter, Mia, was extremely jealous, along with all of her friends.”
7. Heidi Klum

If you're one of Heidi Klum's kids, then you probably already know your mom's a former Victoria Secret model. And, according to her, they're totally cool with it.
“They know I worked in the lingerie industry for a long time,” she told Extra. “They've seen me sunbathing topless at home. Obviously not when their friends are coming over… So, yeah, they’re not like, ‘Oh, my God! What are you [doing]?!’”
8. Will Ferrell

When Will Ferrell had to lock lips with John Lithgow in the movie Daddy's Home 2, his kids were both delighted and shocked.
"They were laughing so hard," he explained on Good Morning America. "And at the same time they were like, 'Dad, this is so embarrassing. How do you do it?' [And I said], 'Well, I'm paid a handsome amount of money.'"
And most importantly, money to pay for these kids' lavish lives.