'RHONJ' Star Jennifer Aydin Responds to Rumors Her Husband Is Cheating
Updated Feb. 24 2021, 12:48 p.m. ET

Real Housewives of New Jersey newcomer Jennifer Aydin isn't exactly making the most friends on her first season with the gang. First, the ladies came at her with accusations of getting her brother a "mail order bride," probably in reference to the marriage she arranged between him and Melda.
And clips from tonight's episode show Jennifer and Margaret at it once again — this time prompted by Marge telling the group the forlorn tales of her and her mother's love lives, after both fell in love with married men.
Which prompts Jennifer to sound off about her own thoughts about fidelity and cheating in a marriage. "I mean, that's something that's very taboo to me," she says, while Marge accuses the Turkish housewife of constantly twisting "everything to make it about yourself."
"You know what, Margaret?" she retorts. "You're used to an environment of cheating. Your mother f--ked someone for 15 years, I get it, but those things should be kept secret."
But Margaret doesn't back down, even for a minute. "You're right, you're absolutely right," she says before cutting Jennifer with a comeback that can only be interpreted as entirely savage.

"That's why your husband sleeps in the f--king pool house," the pig-tailed blonde claps back. Wowow! Salty! It gets better when Jennifer starts to get heated and tries to school Marge, saying, "My husband doesn't sleep in the pool house, honey. I'm secure in my marriage so it doesn't bother me where the f--k he sleeps."
"Whether it's in his girlfriend's bed or not," Marge continues. And Jennifer absolutely loses it. She's fuming at the table where they're all sitting and looks like she's about to flip it in Marge's face. "Hit a nerve?" Margaret cattily wonders aloud.
So, is Jennifer's husband cheating?
Little is known about the conservative Syrian Orthodox plastic surgeon, but we do know the couple maintains a very traditional marriage. Earlier this season, Jennifer even had to ask Bill's permission before she went on a trip with the girls.
But when it comes to their issues of marriage fidelity, Jennifer likes to keep the couple's personal affairs under wraps. "I'm not saying people don't cheat," she said in the an after-show clip. "Do whatever you want to do behind closed doors, but [take it] to the f--king grave."
She goes on to explain why the conversation with Marge bothered her so much. "You know what, you're telling me that your mother's last love was someone who was married and you want me to feel bad that that man never left his wife?" she asks.
"How about that wife," she adds, "who probably stayed with her husband all that time knowing that he was probably cheating and stayed for whatever reason that she had, either her kids or her livelihood." I mean, viewers can draw their own conclusions from what she says here. If the shoe fits...
One thing's for certain. If Jennifer's husband is indeed cheating on her, they like to keep their interpersonal drama away from their kids. "Children always learn by example," she goes on to say. "If you grow up in a household [where] it's OK to be with married people and it's OK to cheat, then you grow up thinking that the respect or sanctity of marriage isn't there anymore."
"I can't relate to people who have affairs with other married people" is how Jennifer finishes her tirade on cheating.
It wouldn't be the first time Jennifer's been vocal about her traditional views. "You know that saying 'Happy wife, happy life'?" she said in an interview with Too Fab. "How about, 'happy spouse, happy house'."
"If my husband is in a good mood and in a good place," she continued, "Mommy gets whatever she wants. I do what needs to be done to keep harmony and peace in my home. And it may not be for everybody, I get it. There are feminists out there — they're all angry and riled up."
She continued, "They're probably single, those women, because marriage is hard work." Well, then!
Don't miss out on Jennifer and the rest of the housewives' drama on tonight's episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey when it airs on Bravo at 9 p.m.