Dr. Pimple Popper Treats Woman With Horn Growing on Her Head

Updated Feb. 25 2019, 1:24 p.m. ET

Dr. Sandra Lee, aka Dr. Pimple Popper, has seen most everything when it comes to bumps, pimples, and growths on the skin.
However, her latest patient, Lisa, has something the California-based dermatologist has never seen before — a horn growing on the back of her head. On the show, Lisa tells Dr. Lee that her family has a history of getting cysts on their scalp, and after attempting to pop one, the horn appeared and has been growing for over a year.
"It makes me feel gross," Lisa says, "I want to look pretty on my wedding day... that's the first thing they are going to see."
Lisa's horn is actually a pilar cyst.
"That's called a pilar cyst," Dr. Lee tells Lisa on the TLC series before asking, "Can I take a look at it? I'm very interested in seeing what this bump looks like now."

After seeing the growth, which resembles a "fingernail that's gone crazy," Dr. Lee tells Lisa what she has is a cutaneous horn. "I've seen cutaneous horns before," Dr. Lee says, "but this is certainly the largest cutaneous horn that I've ever seen. "
It seems the "horn"might not be an innocent pilar cyst (or wen, as Lisa calls it) after all — and Dr. Lee fears Lisa might have skin cancer.
"One of the things that I'm certainly thinking about with Lisa here is skin cancer," Dr. Lee explains. "Because one type of squamous cell carcinoma, called a keratoacanthoma, can look like this."
She continued, "I'm not exactly sure what it is. I feel like you give me a story here that sounds like it could be a pilar cyst and it has grown out of control... because usually when we see a cutaneous horn, we do think of other things that might be a little bit more concerning, you know, that can happen with types of skin cancers."

Hopefully, once Dr. Pimple Popper removes the growth, Lisa's tests come back negative, and she will be crying tears of (horn-free) joy on her big day.
Have you played the Dr. Pimple Popper drinking game yet?
If you love watching Dr. Lee pop and squeeze pimples, blackheads, and cysts and don't get queasy, then you need to play the drinking she shared on her Instagram page.
Here are the rules: viewers must take a sip every time: the front of her Skin Physicians office is shown, Dr. Lee refers to a pimple or a cyst as a "he" or "she," Dr. Lee introduces herself, Dr. Lee says, "just a little bit of numbing," Dr. Lee says, "Let's see what we can do," or someone says Dr. Lee gave them their confidence back.

If there is a dramatic sound or music, Dr. Lee says, "just a pinch" or "am I hurting you?" or Dr. Lee uses a Sharpie, it's time to down your drink. Plus, viewers need to take a shot any time Dr. Lee needs her splash mask or someone gets emotional with tears.
We already know fans will get seriously buzzed just from Lisa's story alone.
Watch Dr. Pimple Popper Thursdays at 9 p.m. EST on TLC.