The Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino Is Real, And It's Here For A Limited Time
Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:16 p.m. ET

There were rumors swirling that we'd soon be blessed with a new Instagramable beverage from Starbucks based on one of the Internet's favorite animals. No, not a Cat Cappuccino. It's a Unicorn Frappuccino, and it's 100% real: So get your phones and filters ready, because its time to join your friends at Starbucks for a very instagramable set of photos.
Choo Choo move over Pumpkin Spice Lattes, the Unicorn Frappuccino train is here to take over the most instagramable drink from Starbucks for the foreseeable future.
The special flavor is only going to be available from April 19-23, so you better get in line ASAP. Magic is fleeting!
In a statement to USA Today, Starbucks described the flavor thusly: "Like its mythical namesake, the Unicorn Frappuccino blended crème comes with a bit of magic, starting as a purple beverage with swirls of blue and a first taste that is sweet and fruity. But give it a stir and its color changes to pink, and the flavor evolves to tangy and tart. The more swirl, the more the beverage’s color and flavors transform."
tl;dr: it's sweet.
Secret Starbucks Menu listed the ingredients for this concoction if you want more specifics. The recipe is allegedly: "Crème base Frappuccino, Mango Syrup, colored with unicorn pink powder, Blue Drizzle made from white mocha, classic syrup and sour unicorn blue powder, top with whip and sprinkle with blue and pink unicorn dust."
They also say it's "sweet and sour" so I'm picturing a liquified Sour Patch Kid. I'm also wondering what the "unicorn" aspect of this list is made out of. I hope just sugar, because I bet these will be so popular that we'll burn through the world's supply of unicorns before the end of day one.
“@starbucks is launching their new UNICORN FRAPPUCCINO on Wednesday, April 19‼️ 😱🦄 Starbucks gave us inside access to this new magical and tasty drink! Its flavor profile builds with every sip, from sweet to sour! 🙌🏼😄 Checkout my Snapchat 👻: HungryHu
“NEW #UnicornFrappuccinofrom @Starbucks available TOMORROW (4/19)‼️
We got inside access to this new magical drink with flavor profiles going from sweet to sour as you sip!
🦄: A pink, mango, creme Frappuccino with sour blue drizzle, sprinkled with pink and blue topping. #UnicornFrappuccino”gh!”
Will you be giving it a try?