The Most Savage Wendy's Roasts Of All Time

Updated Nov. 8 2018, 12:15 p.m. ET

Prior to Wendy's decision to up their social media game, you probably never would've equated savage Twitter roasts with fast food before.
But that all changed when the redhead-repping burger joint went all-in on insult comedy on Twitter.
Leaving us with some of the best social media roasts of all time. You figure some people would know better than to come after them, but this guy learned the hard way that you don't attack greatness and walk away unscathed...
They're not afraid to roast other brands, too.

And on National Roast Day, people asked to be brutalized by the Wendy's social media team.

A decision many people ended up regretting.

I mean, they were asking for it.

No one was safe, not even people with careers in TV.

Or people with unfortunate haircuts.

Some hit a little too close to home.

We can't forget the classics though, like the kid who forgot that refrigerators existed.

Let's also not forget about the time Wendy's wanted nothing to do with this guy's lame mixtape.

They've been taking other brands to task for a while though.

Remember when Burger King tried to come for the crown?

Wendy's isn't always savage, though.

Their writers prove they can still be witty without destroying someone online.

But it's always amazing when they do.

Because come on, there's no fast food account that does it better.

And who could forget when they capitalized on this McDisaster.

Or when Carl's Jr. tried joining the fray?

I, for one, am looking forward to a new year of savage roasts and insults from Wendy's Twitter. We don't deserve them.