35 Tweets That Pretty Much Nail What Marriage Is Like

Updated Oct. 5 2018, 6:38 p.m. ET
We all know marriage isn't easy. It's a give and take, sacrifices and compromises, blah blah blah. We can wax on poetically about how profound a union between two people who are committed to loving each other until the day they die, but, like everything, tediousness sinks in. The mundane sinks in. The shallowest of shallow feelings always do us in and the little things that our significant other does on a daily basis really, really get to us.
These tweets encapsulate all of that.
Gotta be fair.
These are pretty much weekly disagreements:
It's about making each other better, unless that involved sugar cravings.
When you know what the other person is going to say before they say it.
Fine, stay there.
Sometimes the conversations are riveting.
Pretty much everything is annoying.
You tend to be desensitized to a lot of things.
Remember not to take each other for granted.
I thought this was just me!
Well, do we?!
Ovens can be confusing.
No need to live like monks, right?
It's those little wins.
Night out? Nah.
This is the true endless battle of the modern marriage.
Separate blankets help...
Every. Single. Time.
You'll never win.
Come on, we all know better.
You just know when you've found the one.
True story.
How'd she know?!
I just think it's funny how...
I love them but they can't be trusted!
I was in a rush, ok?!
Cue anxiety.
Yay! I'm so happy you're home...
Seriously, don't complain about that.
You can never admit to it.
Pretend you didn't hear her dude.
Technically she's right.
Sound logic.
It's too late.
You said you wanted to share fries!
Audibly sigh when you hit pause, even if it is a risky move.
You got her doing it now!
You're not wrong.
Dead man walking.
Oh, it is.
Please show some sympathy.
Every time!
Fair is fair.
It's constructive criticism!
Well, she does.
The secret's out.
This is mahogany we're talking about.
The true test of character.
Can't help that you have good choice in creams.
Marriage is bliss, that is if you learn to love the little things by poking fun of your squabbles on social media.