This Wrong Number Text Resulted in One of the Most Savage Trolls of All Time

Updated Oct. 2 2018, 5:47 p.m. ET

One of the scariest parts about opening up to someone romantically is the prospect of humiliation. There's a good chance that you're going to feel really, really stupid, depressed, and miserable if you're rejected, or if things don't work out.
But ultimately, it's worth it, I mean why else would there be tons of movies, songs, poems, businesses, and massive social undertakings, if not for love?
Modern romance can be especially tough, which is something this guy discovered the hard way when he accidentally texted a brilliant troll thinking it was a woman he was interested in.
The guy decides to put out a "feeler text," asking Lynn if she's still together with her boyfriend. The troll, who goes by Michael Butane online, decided to have some fun with this dude.
It's pretty clear that either our lustful texter typed in a number different from the one Lynn gave him, or Lynn, not wanting to deal with the awkwardness of outright rejecting a dude, gave him the wrong phone number. It happens.
What usually doesn't happen is that you get a guy who's willing to shave his own legs just to troll you into thinking a girl is coming over to your house for some drinks and possible hanky-panky.
Michael, at the very least, made sure the guy didn't waste any gas or time driving in the car with his elaborate prank. In fact, he took the brunt of the punishment by shaving his right leg for the joke. The trollee, however, didn't appreciate the craft and consideration that went into it.
Even though Michael brought up some very good points about the fact that it could've ended much, much worse for the trolled dude, our original texter and Lynn-admirer couldn't take the jest in good spirits.
I'd also chalk up the guy's grammatical deficiencies due to him being extremely angry or nonplussed, but he was texting like a moron even before he got trolled to high heaven, so as much as I hate grammar, I'm gonna have to side with Michael in the following exchange.
Michael tries to draw the troll into yet another gag by promising to give the dude "information" on Lynn, and for a second, it seems like the hopeful guy is going to fall for it.
But he's either too hurt or weirded out by Michael's antics to allow himself to get played again. I don't see how he can be that mad at Michael though, I mean he has a point, he could've accidentally texted a minor, asking them to send nudes.
I mean asking for shower pics so soon is a huge creeper move, as is texting someone you know has a boyfriend and asking them if they're still together when you're clearly just interested in hooking up with them. Plus, the dude can't spell correctly in a day and age where everyone's got a smartphone and autocorrect which, as wonky as it is, pretty much autocapitalizes and formats your sentences for you.
Michael seems to enjoy taking passengers for rides on the "Troll Train," he's posted some other interactions with various men who are hoping to hook up with an attractive lady.
I'm assuming he set up a fake dating profile account and put his phone number online to lure men into texting him very brazen and, to be frank, gross stuff that's found in the interactions below.
While I could understand how someone felt bad for the first guy, it's kind of hard to feel any semblance of pity for Nino, especially with the charming conversational skill he possesses.
Right now, Nino's very excited at the prospect of seeing even naughtier pictures from our friend Michael. Much to his chagrin, however, our troll train conductor decided to let the cat out of the bag.
Nino continues to prove just how much of a gem he is by tossing out homophobic insults, but to his credit, he doesn't seem as bothered by it as our first guy was. The fact that he kind of laughs at it is sort of redeeming, I guess?
If you check out his Twitter account you can see more of his texting misadventures here, but I'm not sure how all of these people are magically "wrong number" texting him. My guess is he's putting out some catfishing photos online and seeing who takes the bait.