People Are Roasting "How Guys Live" With This Hilarious Meme

Updated Dec. 18 2018, 2:49 p.m. ET

OK haha, I get it, guys live like animals. Men don't know how to take care of their living spaces, or function as normal adults on their own. And listen. I get that. I still don't really understand why tablecloths exist and I'm very "iffy" about the idea of furniture and all its different iterations. Why not just cover my living room with mattresses with ottoman trays instead of coffee tables? So much more comfortable.
As much as some men might be offended about being grouped in with a bunch of slobs, it's kind of hard to argue for your fellow bros with examples like this floating around the internet. That's probably why this meme roasting how single men "decorate."
First, it started with people on Twitter sharing a specific set of images.

They were actual photos of guys' apartments, living rooms, bathrooms. All of it was extremely bare and kinda depressing, if I'm being totally honest.
There was a recurring theme, however.

Were you able to pick up on it yet?

Come on, you have to have got it by now.

It's evident that most of these guys don't need anything else in their living room except for a singular reclining chair or comfy looking seat, a TV, and some video games.
People noticed a striking similarity to one Patrick Star's living situation.

I have to say, when I lived alone and was left to my own devices, it was exactly like this.

Others turned to some other cartoon characters for inspiration.

Poor Lenny Leonard doesn't want people to know how he lives.
Now it's hard to tell from this funny tweet, but this guy noticed something funny about Aaron Carter's room.

It's a step up from my mattress on the floor, I have to say.

Where's the nightstand, bro?
This Nintendo 64 reference really struck a childhood nerd chord in me.

Does Banjo really just sit at a recliner and watch his hearthstone like an old man in a Victorian novel?
The hits just kept on coming.

Bonus points for the sheet on the couch. It's a way more affordable/pragmatic solution than just getting the whole couch re-upholstered. Or, you know, professionally cleaned.
And since it's Christmas time, we gotta give props to the baby Jesus.

He's no stranger to that manger. But honestly, I wouldn't mind living in a barn house if it meant I got to be the son of God.
Is that creepy eye monster thing from "Pan's Labyrinth" really a dude?

I just thought its gender was "horrifying hellbeast/symbol of Fascism."
Well I wish my apartment looked like this.

That's what I call pure class. I'm showing this to my wife when it's time for the next remodel.
What an apartment? Why not Zoidberg's?

I bet he thinks his place is absolutely crabulous.
Master Yoda was kinda creepy.

Plus he's living in a swamp and eating bugs and we're supposed to believe that this green man is some type of master instructor? Puh-lease.
Only if you stink at Minecraft.

And honestly I don't know how to even be good at Minecraft if we're being honest.
It didn't take long for things to get sarcastic.

I bet you doesn't even play that piano.
One's man's trash is another man's apartment decor, I guess.

His place looks a bit dirty, dingy, and dusty, but he loves it. And that's all that matters.
Either that's a little teddy bear, or a huge, huge toilet.

How much you wanna bet there's just balls of cotton in that bowl?
It's a modest home. But a home nonetheless.

I just want to know, where are the walls?
I see no problems here.

Except for maybe the amount of money that Joey owes Chandler. Spoiler alert: it's a lot, someone actually calculated it.
And then we reached the "meta" part of the meme.

Solid pun joke. 8/10, very good.