These Are the Best Subway Moments of 2018

Updated April 26 2020, 10:55 p.m. ET

If you ride the subway a lot, you've probably amassed your fair share of commuting stories over the years. Whether it's the first time you mistakenly stepped inside an empty subway car, while all the others are filled to the brim, that first time you witnessed somebody getting stuck in the door during rush hour there's never a dull moment when it comes to mass transit. We've even seen subway performers get into turf wars.
2018 had its fair share of hilarious, scary, and honest-to-goodness-wholesome subway moments, and here are some of the best ones from this past year.
The Cheesecake Factory.

The big CF has been called many things, but "too fancy" probably isn't one of them.
Tis the season...

To be absolutely scared out of your mind.
This was nice.

I'd like to think that there was originally $20,000 in that bag.
Catching Lin-Manuel Miranda rehearsing out in the open.

Gotta get it in while you can.
Making transportation kinda affordable for some people.

With rates constantly going up, it's nice to see that those who aren't making that much can more easily afford transportation around the five boroughs.
I never understood the deal with these things.

I get it, NYC is dirty and congested, but come on, does the mask really help that much? I'd rather be sick I guess than look like a tool.
This absolute visionary.

Anyone who lives in NYC can relate.
The best thing about the city...

Is that you're constantly running into people that you know.
The pearls of wisdom you come across.

I think I've heard this saying before myself, honest.
Subway weirdness as a culture is the same everywhere.

Saw a dude doing the same with raw cauliflower while catching the R train.
Cheating at tic tac toe...

...while playing the game by yourself? How does that even work?
"Be careful with the fingers!"

I don't like this and I don't want to know where it's from. I have zero interest in finding out, actually.
A very real struggle.

If you're the heaviest/hairiest in the car it doesn't help your case much either.
It was a stuffed bear.

I'd like to think it was this same bear with just awful legs.
Despacito fever is everywhere.

OK if this jam comes on while I'm waiting to make it to Penn, I'm definitely handing over a buck. My man earned it.
Why shout obscenities when you can shout this?

Hopefully the transit driver picked up some tips that they could actually use.
The sheer English-ness of this statement... what makes this thing so funny. Weak tea sounds like a very British call-out.
All the way back...

Geez louise, 15-year-olds are young.
This man had very clear goals.

Goals that he either accomplished or was in the process of accomplishing while sitting on that particular train ride.
One can only dream...

We need more gung-ho people in the business world these days, willing to take risks. And who better than a pirate for that job?
Getting random airdropped photos on the subway is usually the worst.

But I don't think I'd mind getting bombarded with content like the stuff above every single day.
This on the other hand...

I thought I was the only one who received actual texts from my psychological disorders. Neat.
Good boy with a watermelon helmet.

Honestly the phone should be programmed to auto-accept photos like this out of the box. What the heck, Apple?!
It's a rough business.

Unless he's trying out a "sit down" act hyuk hyuk.
At least he's got nice calves.

I guess you have to be when you're running away from Jafar trying to use you for all sorts of evil purposes.
This is cute.

A wedding party made the most out of subway delays by celebrating underground and it was pretty darn beautiful.