These Happy New Year Memes Are the Funniest Way to Ring in 2019
Updated Jan. 8 2019, 3:32 p.m. ET

It's hard to believe that the longest year of our lives is about to come to an end, but 2019 is miraculously right around the corner. Whether you're overflowing with resolutions that will change you into a brand new and improved person come next Tuesday, or are just counting down the days until 2018 ends, we can relate.
And nothing is more relatable than hilarious happy new year memes that you can share with your friends and family to express how stepping into the new year actually makes you feel. Also, pro tip: if you're planning some spectacular blowout to ring in midnight, just quit while you're ahead, because we both know you'll just end up in bed eating chips and watching Netflix anyway.
So save yourself the planning and just enjoy these memes that perfectly capture that feel when you're about to start a brand new year.
Starting with these weird few days of total limbo.
It's a very confusing time. And don't get me started on the people who are sending work emails between the 24th and the 1st. Are you trying to kill my holiday vibe?
Because you're laser-focused on the many great plans you've made for yourself in the year to come.
Even though you're more than old enough to know how those ambitions are really going to turn out.
Might as well start embracing the fact that if your life was a mess on December 31st, it will very likely continue to be sloppy once the clock strikes midnight.

Because let's just be real with ourselves and each other about what the transition into 2019 will bring.
Spoiler alert: the same things as every other year.
But first, we have to make it to midnight unscathed.

And while we're at it, let's just retire "see you next year" from the New Year's Eve lexicon, yeah?

Come Tuesday, we can enjoy all the bounty that 2019 has to offer. I'm in, if just because it means that 2018 is over and done with. Finally.

Which means we'll have a new year to blame all of our misery on.
But hopefully 2018 has taught us to be more honest with ourselves and drawing boundaries.
Happy New Year, guys! I hope these last few memes of the year will keep you laughing until the clock strikes twelve. And while you're at it, check out some hilarious New Year's Eve jokes to get your whole party in the mood to ring in 2019.