These Women Pranked Their Boyfriends With the "I Want a Baby" Text Challenge

Updated Feb. 5 2019, 4:00 p.m. ET

"I want a baby." That four-word statement could test pretty much every relationship.
Even if you've wanted kids all of your life, it's still a scary reality to face if you have any shred of doubt about the potential life partner you've selected. If you're not on the same page about kids with someone you are pretty sure you want to spend the rest of your life with, you can pretty much kiss that future goodbye.
Although there's a growing concern that our generation just isn't ready to breed or is flat-out not interested in having children — I suspect growing socio-economical problems might have something to do with it — all hope is not lost for our species. Plenty of millennial couples still possess the biological desire to have babies — even if we are woefully unprepared for it 100 percent of the time.
To play on this very real and relatable fear of having kids, Twitter user @kelllicopter proposed the following challenge to women: screenshot a copy of your conversation with your boyfriend after telling them you want to have a baby and upload it to Twitter.

A lot of the conversations played out exactly as you'd expect but them but, as it turns out, some people had reactions that are legitimately aww-inducing.
Of course, there were some users who took "boyfriend" to mean significant others of any gender, because it's 2019 and families come in many configurations.

Some people were to the point about their baby agreement, while others listed the more practical benefits to spawning a new human.

Others just wanted some appreciation for their chicken nuggets, and then there were some who came back with some harsh truth. And memes.

I like where this boyfriend's head is at: pizza in exchange for a baby.
Then there was this absolutely perfect boyfriend who said all the right things. My ovaries are exploding reading this dude's reply.

Then there was this dude who is obviously a fan of Raising Arizona, and another who is more of a Game of Thrones person himself.

Sounds like this dude was on to his significant other from the beginning. And this next guy, Brae, seems to have a good head on his shoulders — total Dad material.

There were also plenty of people who pointed out that animals could make very good starter babies. Others seemed to find the out-of-nowhere request for progeny a little out of character.

Some of my favorite parts of these text convos are the messages/pictures that come before. I love this beekeeping dog.

Another baby thief and another to-the-point dude. Excellent.

The combination of jocular and seriously heartwarming conversations is just amazing. It really gives you an insight into some people's relationships in a way so intimate, I almost feel a little dirty for reading these convos.

Matthew's exit strategy is a formidable one, but I don't think text message conversations work like that.
Nathan's response at first had me cracking up, then worried, then cracking up even more. Honestly, I wish more funny people had kids overall. Or maybe they still have their senses of humor because they don't have children?

As for Cooper, I would like to advise him against making any further comments in that vein. Technically, he is correct though. If you're trying to lose weight for whatever reason, having a baby isn't a great way to go about that.

Mr. Ferrari here is a realist, and I would even argue that if it comes down to having either a baby or a Ferrari, the choice is obvious. A baby can't go 0-60mph in under 3 seconds, now can it?
This bottom text is probably how the majority of families are started.

This one above is almost too wholesome to read. It's so wholesome I almost want to read it in a mocking voice, "aww, you two just LOVE each other that much, don't you?!"
As for Joey Gallagher, he reminds his GF that she already has a baby: him.

Well, if she is indeed smoking anything, she should stop if she wants to have that baby. Also, you need to admire this dude's, "I'm gay" defense to get himself out of the baby conversation. A risky move, but a professional one nonetheless.

Well, well, well "Hubby ;)" just has to make the rest of these dudes out there look bad with this "second angel" comment. Seriously my dude, please try and be less dreamy and even the playing field for the rest of us? Thanks.

Then you had people like this gentleman who knew the score before they even got the prank text. Looks like this relationship has a solid foundation in Twitter memes.

If I didn't already have two kids, I'd totally try this on my wife. Anyone interested in trying this out with their SO?