This Fashion Company Makes Awesome Prosthetic Covers For Amputees

Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:20 p.m. ET

Having a prosthetic limb has to be very difficult. In most cases, the person has to teach themselves (or re-teach themselves) how to function with that limb and do things that they used to be able to. Obviously, it is great to have them for people who need them so they are even able to attempt to do some of the stuff that they used to. There are some pretty remarkable strides being made in the prosthetics industry and more and more people are gaining functions back that they never thought would be possible. As artificial intelligence becomes more and more of a thing, it seems that the possibilities are endless for what can be accomplished for people. While it is still very sad to be able to need one, it is reassuring that there is hope to have similar functionality.
Prosthetic limbs are usually designed more for function than style, which makes sense, obviously—but it can be a bummer for people who also, you know, wanna look fresh. That's where the Canadian company Alleles comes in.
"[When] we started the Alleles studio, we were trying to solve a style problem," said the company's founders, McCauley Wanner and Ryan Palibroda on their website. "Not a limb one. In an industry saturated with robotic aesthetics and clunky contours, our prosthetic covers endeavour to transform something mechanical into something mechani-chic."
The made-to-measure designs start at C$325, though the artists at Alleles will also create pieces with custom designs starting at C$1500. In some cases, these relatively affordable covers have been life-changing for their customers.
And they're quite pretty to look at, too.
"I get to prove every day that fashion is life changing — not frivolous," Wanner said. What's more stylish than that?