A Teacher Gave Students A Lesson About 'Intercourse' And Their Questions After Were Hysterical
Updated Nov. 18 2019, 2:20 p.m. ET
Think back to a more innocent time, before you knew what sex was and how it worked. You'll remember that you had no clue what two grown-ups in love did when they were alone together, but you probably had some vague ideas. It wasn't so much that we were all innocent—we were mostly just very, very confused.
Kids today actually don't know much better, even with their constant exposure to Twitter and Snapchat. They often still learn the basics in classrooms, where good schools teach comprehensive sex education. There's a lot of confusion for teachers to sort through. And it's their job to do so with a straight face, taking questions seriously.
But sometimes that's really hard to do, as Twitter user @kimyoogyeom showed, sharing pics from their friend, who is in charge of some elementary school students' understanding of the dance of love. The images show all the questions kids have about sex after getting their first rundown of how it's all done.
It's hilarious what children think about sex even after having it explained to them.
Though some of these questions seem very reasonable to me, like asking if there's another way to have a baby. Who wouldn't ask that after learning about childbirth? It's a nightmare!
And some of these questions have a certain logic to them. It does seem like if you make love for a long time, the resulting child should be larger, but the logistics would be hard to negotiate in a bedroom. This system could potentially result in a lot of tiny babies.
The spelling of "penise" and "Virginia" in this is hysterical enough, but asking if they make noise or click together like a lock is genius. If only people fit together so well.
A 24-hour intercoursing would produce a HUGE baby, and everyone would be completely exhausted before the newborn even arrived.
Honestly, this was probably one of my first questions after understanding what pregnancy was. I mean, getting a baby out of a person is an ordeal.
This poor, hopeful child who doesn't believe their mother has ever had intercourse is all of us. Go on believing your dad would never do such a thing for as long as you can, but eventually you'll put two and two together.
This question is too complicated to answer, but I would certainly prefer it if men were given sole charge of all childcare from the beginning:
And finally, the question that's hardest to answer for anyone who hasn't gone through puberty yet. Why? Why do we do this at all??
You'll find out when you're older, kiddos.
But for the adults, this was a charming walk down memory lane:
Maybe this will be the generation that finally makes genetically engineering children affordable, so we can skip all the awkward sex stuff.