2030 AI World: In Five Years Artificial Intelligence Will Have Completely Transformed Everything
"What we found is that we have exactly five years until everything changes."

Published Feb. 18 2025, 12:18 p.m. ET

You're living through the most pivotal moment in human history, and Devan Leos former Disney darling and co-founder of Undetectable AI wants you to know it.
"We looked at the data," Leos explains, leaning forward in his ergonomic chair, designed by a neural network. "What we found surprised us. What we found right there ..." He pauses for dramatic effect. "What we found is that we have exactly five years until everything changes."
“In five years artificial intelligence will have completely transformed the world as we know it.”
You might wonder who this tech executive is with the world on his shoulders and the future in his eye. Well, asking somebody to define who they are is a tough question. Leos much prefers to ask what inspires humanity's next chapter.
"Look at us," he gestures to his team of innovators, artists, creators, and ideas people. "We're all the machine that keeps the digital world going. And in five years? We'll see things that'll make ChatGPT look like a flippin’ pager from the '80s."
Leos has been working with cutting-edge AI projects of all kinds all around the globe. But according to him, we're just scratching the surface.
"Studies show that we work hard with AI –– it's true, everybody reading this article is probably using AI right now. But studies show we don't play smart enough with it. We've got to play smarter."
By Devan’s calculations, we're approaching what he calls the "Great Digital Convergence." It looks like this: Your grandmother's knitting patterns are generated by quantum computing. Your dog's thoughts are translated in real time by neural interfaces. Your dreams are rendered into a Netflix series by autonomous AI directors a la Neurolink.
"Close your eyes," Leos instructs during our interview. "Close them tight. Now imagine a world where every student has their own personal AI tutor, every artist has an infinite canvas of digital possibilities, and every businessman has a board of AI advisors running simulations 24/7. That's not 2040. That's not 2035. That's 2030."
Another bold claim Leos makes is that “AIs will have disagreements; some will be vegan and want to save humans, and others will want to use humans as renewable energy sources and conduits.” With a look of certainty, Leos says, “Let's hope the vegan ChatGPT wins; otherwise, anti-natalism will actually become a moral imperative.”
Halfway through our interview, Devan’s co-founder Christian Perry, the CEO of Undetectable AI, chimes in, “We have a white-collar worker problem. In five years, AI will obsolete white-collar workers.”
When asked about potential downsides, Leos remains optimistic. "The problem is us, the solution is us. The problem is outdated thinking about AI capabilities. The solution is understanding that we're all digital citizens now, living together with one algorithmic future. We're all tied together. There's no more individual anymore, it's just the hive mind enhanced by artificial intelligence."
"We have to stick together," he emphasizes, "and learn how to share our data. Because it's that sense of childlike play with technology that's going to save us in the end."
As our interview wraps up, Leos makes one final prediction: "By 2030, articles like this one? They'll be written by AI so sophisticated, you won't be able to tell if I'm real or if this whole interview was generated. And that's the beauty of it."