A 57-Year-Old Man Dumped His Menopausal Girlfriend Because He Suddenly Wanted to Have Kids

Published Sept. 6 2023, 4:16 p.m. ET
As we get older, we try not to have regrets — but it's not as easy as it sounds. Take it from this dude in the wildly popular "Am I the A------" (AITA) subreddit, who's 57 years old and desperate to have a family. Sounds cute, right? Nope! As it turns out, this guy is a total jerk who doesn't care about anyone other than himself.
The original poster, who goes by the handle u/ThrowawyAffectio806, said he just recently changed his mind about wanting kids. As a result, he dumped his longtime girlfriend because she became too old to have children.
Read on for the full story. Plus, stick around to hear what the internet has to say.

A 57-year-old man left his girlfriend because he wanted to have kids.
The OP revealed that he and his 55-year-old girlfriend were together for 25 years before he dumped her. When they first got together, they weren't in a rush to get married — but she was on the fence about kids.
At the time, the OP didn't want kids because he wanted to focus on work. Plus, he was worried he would "resent" his future kids for getting in the way of his career. They argued constantly, and after attending counseling, the OP and his girlfriend officially decided to not have kids.
When he was 41 and his girlfriend was 39, the money "finally started coming in" for them. At that point, they wanted to enjoy life, so the OP and his girlfriend traveled the world and even got involved in charity work. However, everything changed when the couple entered their 50s.
The OP's girlfriend started going through menopause at 53, and since then, the OP has been in an "internal crisis." He soon changed his mind about kids and desperately wanted a family. The OP eventually told his girlfriend, who wasn't happy at all — but she suggested they adopt. He rejected her idea, saying that he wanted biological kids.
In the end, he broke up with her and kicked her out of their home.
Reddit unanimously agreed that the OP is the biggest AH ever.
The viral post has since been deleted, but thankfully, the thousands of comments are available for us to read! And it's safe to say that, like us, Redditors weren't too pleased with the OP and his cruel decisions.
"You strung your girlfriend along for DECADES until her fertile years passed," one person shared, "and now you dump her because you want kids?? YTA of gigantic proportions, and I am mad at you on her behalf."

A second Reddit user said, "I am dying to know how you typed that WHOLE STORY out, and can't decide whether YTA (emphatically, you are.) This woman spent her life on YOUR goals, YOUR dreams, and YOUR plans. And now that it's physically IMPOSSIBLE to meet this current want of yours, you throw her out. That's despicable."
"You're the hugest AH ever. She spent her life with you, waiting for the timing to be 'right' while it never was for you," a third person wrote. "Now that you're old enough to be a grandpa, you've decided you want kids, and the woman who loved you for half her life suddenly isn't good enough. I feel truly sorry for her. You've ruined her life."

Many agreed that the OP's post wasn't actually about wanting kids — it was about him realizing his now ex-girlfriend is "old." He obviously doesn't care about her at all, especially since he made her feel terrible for being past the stage of getting pregnant naturally and having biological kids. Ugh — he really is such a jerk.
Others claimed the OP is selfish for wanting to have kids at his age. It's unfair to his kids because there's a chance they will grow up without a father. Plus, men also have a biological clock, and the quality of sperm drops significantly by the time men get to the OP's age. And even if he does have kids, there's a higher chance for genetic issues.