A 7-Year-Old Girl Destroyed a Man's Ego When She Called His Porsche a Baby's Car

Published Aug. 2 2023, 10:55 a.m. ET

It's a car for dolls!
Children really are relentless truth tellers. And while the occasional white lie never hurt anyone, in fact they often spare someone's feelings, it sure is fun when a kid drops some unsolicited honesty. I think we've all experienced a situation where a child very innocently commented on something we were doing or maybe wearing, and that opinion was so brutal we nearly faded away into oblivion.
This happened to Amy Harper, aka @amyontheinternet on TikTok, while she was taking a leisurely stroll with her 7 year-old daughter. When the pair came across a man getting out of his Porsche, Amy's daughter had a lot to say on the matter. At that age she couldn't possibly know that a man's car is often an extension of his self-worth, and yet she accidentally zeroed in on that immediately. Read on for her unintentionally savage takedown.

From the mouths of babes!
How does one come back from being insulted by a 7 year-old?
"I just got back from a walk with my 7-year-old daughter," Amy explained. "We walked past a guy getting out of his car." All of this seems pretty normal for a neighborhood. People walk and other people sometimes get out of their cars.
As the owner was getting out of said car, Amy's daughter got very excited. "Oh my God, look at your little tiny car," she squealed. I love how she's doubling down on the car's small size by using little and tiny back-to-back. That's how you know it's a wee car. Perhaps a gaggle of clowns could fit inside it.
The hits keep coming as Amy's daughter, who should consider becoming a writer, yells, "It's like a car for a baby!" At this point I'm reminded of Ben Stiller in Zoolander. What is this, a car for ants? "Oh my God, it's so cute," gushes Amy's hilarious child.
The best part of this whole story, is the fact that Amy's daughter really thought she was paying this man a compliment. "She genuinely thought she was being kind," said Amy. Fortunately, her daughter kept going. "It's like for a doll!" she said with the kind of innocence only children possess. "She destroyed a man's ego without even trying," Amy triumphantly said.
I believe the children are our future.
The comments were filled with similar stories of children inadvertently putting someone in their place. "My son tells every man with a motorcycle, 'I LIKE YOUR VESPA!'" said on TikTok user. Another added, "My hubby used to have a red FIAT Abarth and one day our friend's kid saw it and said very genuinely, 'Oh my gosh, is there a clown here?!'"
A few people rightfully clocked the Porsche owner's response as an indication that he was without a sense of humor. "If the dude didn’t lean into it, and play along, that’s a red flag," said @xianricca. "That’s the issue," Amy fired back. "I legit thought he would chuckle. She was so passionate about her love for the car! Masculinity ... the most fragile thing on earth"

Just how fragile is the male ego?
According to PsychCentral, "the term 'male ego' connotes a judgmental type of superiority with a need to show off, constantly striving to impress (women) and outdo others (especially other men)." One could argue that driving a fancy car is an attempt to impress and outdo.
Something physical, like an expensive vehicle, is tangible proof of a man's status. And his place in the world is what can contribute to his ego. Some men ask themselves the following questions, to see how they measure up:
- Am I strong enough?
- Am I wealthy enough?
- Do I meet the traditional definition of masculinity?
- Do I attract women?
- Do I control things or people?
- Do people recognize me for these things and am I respected and revered for them?
This article goes on to give tips on how to deal with the male ego but honestly it really puts the onus on the other person to soothe it. To that I say, no thanks. If the Porsche owner can't see the absolute comedy in what Amy's 7 year-old daughter said about his car, it's truly time to look inward. And perhaps he should see the Barbie movie. If anything, he'll like Barbie's cool car.