That Wild 'A Quiet Place 2' Ending, Explained: Here's What Went Down

Published May 29 2021, 3:04 p.m. ET

Spoiler alert: Major spoilers for A Quiet Place 2 ahead. You've been warned!
We had a feeling A Quiet Place 2 would be well worth the wait to see in theaters, and we weren't disappointed. The first movie was a huge success, and its ending gave director, writer, and star, John Krasinski, a lot to work with for a sequel. A Quiet Place 2 is possibly even more thrilling than the first movie, as it explores what and who exists outside of the Abbott family farmhouse.
A Quiet Place 2 picks up where it left off in the first movie (this doesn't count the prologue scene, which shows you how the aliens landed and this whole nightmare started). Lee has sacrificed himself, Evelyn has just given birth and has a bandage over her foot from when she stepped on a gigantic nail on the stairs. And their farmhouse is simultaneously on fire and flooding. They have to get going and walk to a nearby location they think might be a safe spot. It is and it isn't.

While some of the Abbotts (Evelyn, Marcus, and the baby) stay at the abandoned factory their old friend Emmett lives in, Regan and Emmett actually venture beyond the perimeter, and we get a horrifying glimpse into what the world has become. Emmett already warned Evelyn that the people who survived weren't the kind of people you want to surround yourself with, but we see what he means when Emmett and Regan run into a group of scavenger-type people who kill others for supplies.

Although we don't really know what they're capable of, since Emmett uses the aliens as weapons to kill them while he and Regan make off with a boat and sail to an island Regan is convinced is some sort of safe utopia. Which it is (until an alien makes its way across the sea, but that's a whole other thing). Back on the mainland, Marcus, Evelyn, and the baby are about to become alien snacks. And that brings us to the ending. If you thought it was abrupt, you're not alone.
'A Quiet Place 2' ending, explained.
A Quiet Place 2 ends with Regan saving everyone by holding her hearing aid up to a microphone in a radio tower on the island. This stuns the alien on the island, and Regan is able to spear its head. Back on the mainland, Marcus is luckily holding the radio, which blasts the alien-killing frequency. The alien that's trapped Marcus, Evelyn, and the baby is also stunned, and Marcus shoots it. The camera cuts to a triumphant Regan. And then that's when the credits roll.

Of course, this abrupt ending sets us up for a third movie. Regan and Emmett are still on the island. It's unclear how many people the alien killed (is the community pissed that they accidentally brought an alien back with them?). Will Regan sail back and scoop up her mom and siblings and head back to the island? Where are all the other dangerous people and will they follow them?
Emily Blunt told Collider that John has ideas up his sleeve for a third movie, which means it's likely going to be a trilogy. Not to mention, A Quiet Place 2 has already brought in $57 million on opening weekend, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Emily said, "He has a whole arc of ideas that could work. I think he just wanted to see how people responded to this one before he fully engaged his brain on the third one. But he has a couple of great ideas." Considering most people responded super well, we can totally expect a third movie, it's just unclear when.
Is there a 'Quiet Place 2' post credit scene?
We can confirm that A Quiet Place 2 doesn't have a post credit scene, so you're free to leave the theater once the credits start rolling. Unless you just want to hang out since it's been over a year of being able to go to the movies. We get it.

Does the baby die in 'A Quiet Place 2'?
The baby does come very close to dying in A Quiet Place 2. Everyone comes very close to dying in A Quiet Place 2. There's one heart attack-inducing scene in particular that has Marcus and the baby trapped in a locked furnace. Since it's completely sealed, you can only hide in there for so long before you need to open the door and get some oxygen. Well, Marcus and the baby start running out of oxygen, and there's only a tiny bit left in the oxygen tank.

As Marcus panic-breathes and starts sharing the oxygen mask with the baby, it's clear that if someone doesn't get down to the bunker soon, both Marcus and the baby will die. Luckily, Evelyn comes just in time. (Literally. we could hear everyone in the theater exhale.)
A Quiet Place 2 is playing in theaters everywhere.