Google Thinks 'After We Collided's' Netflix Release Date Was July 27, Which Is Unfortunately Not the Case

Updated Sept. 2 2020, 9:15 p.m. ET

The release date for After We Collided — a movie that's basically a mashup of 50 Shade of Grey and Normal People — has some people confused. If you google the movie's release date on Netflix, you'll see that it says July 27, 2020 ... which has come and gone and After We Collided is still not available on Netflix, so what's the actual date we can expect to be able to stream the film?
'After We Collided's actual Netflix release date:
After We Collided — which is a sequel to 2019's After, a rom-drama that went from One Direction fanfic to a real-life, successful movie — could hit Netflix sometime in 2021. We don't know for sure, but basing our calculations off of After (which cropped on Netflix six months after it premiered in theaters), if After We Collided premieres in theaters and on-demand video services Oct. 2 in the U.S., as it's expected to, then we could start streaming the movie on Netflix in April 2021.
Again, that's just a prediction, and definitely not a confirmed answer. It's unclear why Google thinks After We Collided hit Netflix in late July (maybe because July 27 was when a trailer for the movie dropped?).

After We Collided has already premiered in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Russia, and the U.K., according to the movie's Fandom page. Tomorrow (Sept. 3), it'll be showing in the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, and Slovakia.
On Sept. 4, it hits Finland, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and Bulgaria. Australia is able to watch it in theaters on Sept. 10. Romania gets access a day later. Canada can watch Sept. 25. And then finally After We Collided premieres in the U.S. Oct. 2.
If you live in Argentina, the Baltic states, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, France, Indonesia, Israel, Mexico, Philippines, Peru, South Korea, and Turkey, then you still don't know when you'll be able to watch the movie, since the release date has yet to be announced in those countries.
How can I stream 'After We Collided' anyway?
There's no way to legally watch After We Collided unless you live in the aforementioned locations, and we'd say you could just fly to the U.K., but that option is also off the table thanks to COVID-19. You're going to have to wait until Oct. 2. We know that's not the answer you wanted to hear, but it's reality right now.
However, if you do go to Twitter and search for "After We Collided," some viewers have been sharing spoilers, so unless you're so excited to just want to see whatever you can get, that's a journey you can take. Otherwise, stay away from #AfterWeCollided.
Even the movie official Twitter page wrote, "That moment when you realize #AfterWeCollideMovie comes out TOMORROW in some countries! If you are one of the lucky ones, please don’t spoil the movie for others."
And if you see Twitter users posting "links" to the movie, be careful, because it seems like people have been downloading malware and viruses instead. Hey, there's always 365 Dni (streaming on Netflix) to hold you over. Or you could just rewatch After (which is on Netflix!).