Woman Refuses to Move Up in Line Until She's at the Front, and the Internet Is Mildly Infuriated

Published July 31 2023, 3:17 p.m. ET
When you look up anxiety in the dictionary, you’ll likely see a photo of the airport. Between checking your bags, being fondled by TSA, and trying to make it to your flight on time, there’s no end to the anxiety that awaits at an airport.
But the worst part of catching a flight at the airport is the lines — there are so… many… lines.
There’s a line at the bag counter, the Starbucks, the gate, and in the aisles after you actually board the plane.
Although the task can be daunting for some, this woman stunned the internet with her approach to waiting in long lines at the airport: She just doesn’t move until it’s her turn.
The unnamed woman caught a lot of flack online after her airport antics were captured by a spectator, however, she wasn’t entirely wrong. Read on to see what is undeniably the most mildly infuriating photo you’ll come across all day.
This woman got the internet riled up after she refused to move up in line at the airport — was she wrong?
On the /MildyInfuriating subreddit, Redditor @dontreadonmeb---- posted a photo that sees a young woman standing in line at the airport. Behind her is a long line of people. She had more than enough space to move up in the line, but she chose not to.
When confronted about it, she said that it made no difference whether she moved forward in line or not because everyone would still make it to the front of the line in the same amount of time.
OK, hear me out when I say she wasn’t exactly wrong.
Be that as it may, it hasn’t stopped people from being ticked off about it. Since the viral photo was first posted on Reddit in 2022, it’s made its rounds on TikTok and Twitter alike, sparking a pretty interesting debate.
One Redditor compared the situation to standing up immediately after the plane lands.
@Billman71 commented: “This is actually quite entertaining, and the lady standing there is correct."
"It's only creating a problem if the line out at the end of the queue is so long it's spilling out of the queue area. People getting angry truly perceive they are somehow being cheated but they are not."
“Kind of reminds me of when on a flight and landing,” they added. “They stand there packed in the aisle or half bent because they can't stand straight up for several minutes until the doors finally open and people begin actually exiting.”
“Same as when you’re in bumper to bumper to bumper traffic and the car in front of you moves forward 6 inches and the guy behind you honks if you don’t move also,” @RandyAcorns chimed in.
That kind of goes to show you that moving up in the line doesn’t actually help you get to the front faster. However, I think we’d all agree that line etiquette is a common courtesy that we should all learn — especially our good sis at the airport.