We're Trying to Cattle Call Allen Foster, One of the Men on Fox's 'Farmer Wants a Wife'

Published March 8 2023, 10:30 p.m. ET

Allen Foster from 'Farmer Wants a Wife'
According to Parade, Fox's new reality show Farmer Wants a Wife is actually already a mega popular series all over the world. It has "aired in 32 countries and resulted in 180 marriages and 410 children," reported the outlet. It only made sense that eventually America's heartland would be a place the wild dating show could call home.
Allen Foster is one of the men on Farmer Wants a Wife. Let's get to know him on a more personal level. Obviously, he's looking for a wife. Here's what we know.
Where is Allen Foster from and what does he do for a living?
According to The U.S. Sun, Allen hails from Tennessee where he owns a cattle ranch. Something Allen simply couldn't wrap his mind around is the idea that women would leave a city, looking for a country mouse. "One of the funniest things was they were all excited about having an opportunity to be there and dating a rancher," the 32-year-old told the outlet. For him that's just life, but for these ladies their day-to-day was a foreign novelty and it showed.

Allen Foster
Clearly, this show will be filled with plenty of "fish out of water" scenarios that people of a certain age can compare to the Pauly Shore movie Son-in-Law. This was certainly the case for Allen who had to introduce his potential wife to some literal dirty work. "We go to work some cows, and a couple of them get a little manure on their hands, and you would’ve thought they cut their arm completely off," he said. "I don’t know how you plan on being a rancher’s wife if you can’t deal with a little cow manure."
Allen's Instagram is all about that farm life, of course.
Well shoot y'all, Allen's Instagram is a real who's who of animals he has killed and while we understand that's just how it works in the country it sure is tough to look at! From catching a 50 pound fish to hunting elk, it certainly paints a picture of what life on the farm could look like for one lucky lady. Don't worry, there's clearly a respect for animals that comes with being on a ranch.
There are several photos of Allen riding horseback through some of the most gorgeous countryside America has to offer. Seriously, it looks like he lives in a Hallmark movie. He isn't just riding horses. Occasionally, you'll find Allen on a boat, behind the wheel of huge farm machinery, or perhaps manning a big rig.
In a promo for the show, Allen reveals that farming has been his "entire life" but now he's ready for the "next chapter." What does that entail? Well, settling down and starting a family of course. "I want to be a husband and a father someday." Thankfully Allen is bringing some wisdom to this experience. "I've learned lots of things from past relationships," he said. "To me love is more of a feeling than words spoken. I just want somebody to like me for who I am, take it or leave it."
Farmer Wants a Wife airs Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. EST on Fox.