Condo Resident Angry Delivery Driver Used Parking Lot to Make Deliveries, Refuses to Leave Her Truck
"Looks like false imprisonment to me. Call the cops and let them know she’s holding you hostage lol"

Published April 29 2024, 11:02 a.m. ET

The term "Karen" may be a bit played out and overused, but that doesn't mean that the phenomenon of antsy people who've got nothing better to do with their lives than throw temper tantrums over relatively minuscule issues has gone anywhere.
Many are saying this has been evidenced by a duet of videos uploaded to TikTok by an Amazon delivery driver named Sharon Smith who posts to the popular social media application under the username @iam_chanel.
Her first video begins with the "Karen" in question confronting her about using the condo's parking lot in order to drop off packages.
"Do you know that it says resident parking only?" the woman asks the delivery driver, who records her as she walks up to his truck to inform him of the unit's parking rules.
"I'm speaking to you," she says after the person recording her says nothing in response.
"Have a nice day," the employee says walking back into their truck.
The woman in the black shirt looks into the truck and informs the employee that she has all of her information already recorded.
"That's fine...I ain't do nothing wrong," she tells the woman in the video.
"Yes you did something wrong," the woman says to the driver.
"What'd I do?" she asks her.
The woman, who some might accuse of having "hall monitor energy" lists the driver's attitude as the first thing she did wrong.
"You were extremely rude. You made me wait. It says condo parking only, you've taken two spots, and there's plenty parking over there," the woman says to the driver while pointing off screen.
"Okay so why didn't you park over there?" the driver asks the condo resident in.
"I love here, this is —"
The driver then cuts her off, explaining that she's only there to "deliver a package"
"No cause you don't have to be rude about it," she replies to the TikToker, who denies acting in a rude manner as the resident continued to list their gripes with the driver's behavior and how they carried out their delivery process in the parking lot of the condo.
"You don't have to take two spots and you don't get to continue to make someone wait. You saw me pulling in," the resident said to the TikToker as the video cuts out.
However, in a follow-up clip, the resident can be seen making herself comfortable inside of the delivery driver's truck.

"More information than that," she says while looking into the camera, leaning against the truck.
"See what I have to deal with at work?" the woman says to her audience. "But you're able to talk on the phone while you're at work," the resident asks, before commenting, "so interesting."
The driver points out that the only reason she's recording the condo resident is because she began recording her first. "You can report me...what are you reporting," the resident asks Sharon, who clarifies that she said "recording" and not "reporting."
"Great," the woman replies, before explaining, "So I'm trying to get information and you are not providing it."
The driver tells the woman to simply go through the Amazon application in order to address her grievance, however, this proposed solution doesn't seem like an amenable one to resident.

"No. I need to know your name or ID number, I need to know your supervisor's name..."
The employee responds, informing the resident of her full name, before telling her that she is unable to give the woman the "other information" she requested because she doesn't know what the "other information" is.
"But you can go through the Amazon app...file a complaint..." she tells the woman in the black shirt.
"No, that's not gonna work," she tells the worker, not moving from the truck. "You don't recognize who you're speaking with do you?" she tells the worker as she smiles.

"I really don't care," she tells the older woman, who responds by saying, "I know you don't," as she scrolls through her phone.
Between the two videos, Sharon accrued over 8.2 million views, and tens of thousands of comments from irate users on the application who were baffled and frustrated by the woman's behavior.