Fashion Blogger Amy Roiland Has Generated Some Drama on TikTok — What Influencers Are Saying

Published Nov. 14 2022, 12:51 p.m. ET

Being "paid in exposure" is an exploitative business practice with which artists and content creators are all too familiar. Rather than pay someone an honest or decent wage for their creativity or services rendered, some opt to use a brand name, a follower count, or internet clout as an excuse to use someone else's hard work. It's a fancy and unflattering way of trying to get someone to do something for free, which is unfortunately still in practice today.
We live in an age where short-form visual media can pull some serious internet engagement through quick funny videos or photography. As such, some are lucky enough to make a living off of their work. When it comes to TikTok or Instagram, people can find decent work in creating visual media. Unfortunately, there still exists a stigma against artists where people try to get work for free. To that end, fashion blogger Amy Roiland has caused some hilarious drama with her recent interactions.

TikToker @smacmccreano (above) posted a video about an unnamed person, later revealed by another TikToker to be Amy
Amy Roiland is at the center of fashion TikTok drama.
Amy Roiland is a notable fashion blogger, having gotten her start in 2013 with the blog A Fashion Nerd. According to TikToker @mystic_selise, she is also the sister of Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland. She would go on to pitch a fashion social media app on Shark Tank called "FashionTap," which appears to no longer be available on any app services.
Nevertheless, she's been active on several other platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.
Most if not all of her social media posts involve photos and fashion flexes of her and her young daughter wearing some of the latest clothes. While she initially danced a fine line between mommy blogger and fashionista, photographers have been spilling the tea on her alleged self-imposed entitlement.
In mid-November 2022, TikToker @smacmccreanor posted a video in which an unnamed person asked them for free photography work instead of booking and paying them as a client.
Though the person originally went unidentified, @mystic_selise would later confirm that this was indeed Amy Roiland asking a photography group on IG to work for free and be "paid" in exposure on Amy's platforms.
As seen in @smacmccreanor's original video, Amy seemingly went on multiple tirades against @smacmccreanor for not accepting exposure as payment.
Ever since that initial post, many people have put Amy on blast for her alleged behavior, using her as a prime example of how awful it is for people to ask for free labor in exchange for "exposure."
"What Amy Roiland from A Fashion Nerd said to that photography studio is not unique to the photography industry," @tanya.volt explains in a TikTok response. This photographer was also approached to photograph someone's wedding only to be paid with social media posts.
Tanya later says, "I'm just really glad that Amy showed her whole a-- on here because it just shows how much it is peak entitled, bratty behavior and they should be called out for it."
These sentiments seem to have hit a nerve as well. As of this writing, Amy's TikTok account for A Fashion Nerd has been completely shut down on the platform. Her Twitter has also been locked and her Instagram currently has comments turned off.
Needless to say, Amy herself has not responded to the controversy.