Do Not Celebrate 'The Princess Bride' Reunion With Andre's Drinking Challenge

Updated Sept. 14 2020, 11:24 a.m. ET

I don't want to be all judgmental or anything, but if you don't like The Princess Bride, then there's probably something wrong with you. The movie is whimsical, hilarious, romantic, action-packed, meta, and you can tell that all of the actors are having the time of their lives. It's packed with so many iconic scenes that it's almost unfair to other movies. Now, after the cast reunion fundraiser, people are talking about the Andre the Giant drinking challenge again.
What is the Andre the Giant drinking challenge?
The pro-wrestling legend was one of the businesses' first truly cross-promotional stars. Andre the Giant was an intelligent, gentle soul who hailed from France and suffered from acromegaly. The disease caused him to grow at an alarming rate and put him in a state of constant pain, and he turned to alcohol for comfort.
And when I mean alcohol, I mean inconceivable amounts of booze.
Andre's massive size, coupled with his high alcohol tolerance and lifetime of drinking, made him capable of downing ridiculous amounts of the sauce. Jerry the King Lawler said that, when they'd go out to drink after a performance, he never saw Andre put back less than 24 beers. Ric Flair, the Nature Boy himself who has a penchant for partying, says that he was with the Giant one night when he slammed down 106 brewskies.

The drinking challenge itself is rooted in a bit of legend and the exact number of beers one would be required to drink in the six-hour period is a bit iffy. Some are saying that he put back as many as 159 beers in one sitting. Others are saying 119.
The general consensus is, that for around six hours straight, Andre would drink one bottle of beer every 3 minutes. Seriously.
While the math of that comes out to 120, it seems like Andre was shy of that number. I guess you can save those last three minutes for the world's longest belch. Or for the time it takes paramedics to revive you. Because you will most definitely die.
You'll probably also need a catheter and bedpan hooked up to you so you can pee while sitting at the bar. Why anyone would attempt to do this to themselves is beyond me.
But that doesn't mean people aren't talking about it. Is it even physically possible? To put this amount of booze into perspective, the US Department of Agriculture pegs "heavy drinking" in men as pounding five or more drinks at a time. Andre had nearly 24 times that amount in a single sitting. Yikes.
Gene Okerlund also stated that Andre would begin his day with a case of wine, while others say, on average, the man would pound four bottles a day in addition to the other booze he'd consume.
Then there's alcohol poisoning to consider: a 200-pound man could easily trigger alcohol poisoning if they slammed back six drinks in under an hour. Of course, everyone has different tolerance levels, but there's seriously no way you can complete the Andre the Giant drinking challenge and live to tell the tale. Don't try it.
The 'Princess Bride' cast recently reunited for a reunion but Fred Savage didn't show.
People are wondering why Fred Savage was gone from yet another reunion, and believe that it may have something to do with the actor not wanting to assist Wisconsin Democrats via the fundraiser.
Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard filled in, with Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair stating Fred "passed the torch on to another generation." That didn't help quell fans' thoughts, however.
Fred grew up as a huge fan of Andre the Giant (I mean who isn't), and the professional wrestler used to send him a Christmas card every year until he passed away on Jan. 27, 1993. The Friends From College actor says it was the one card he looked forward to receiving the most.