How Do You Get Log Stakes in 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons'?
Updated April 16 2020, 11:38 a.m. ET

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has finally made its way to Nintendo Switch at long last, and that means everyone is spending plenty of time on their own islands tidying up and living their best lives.
That's about all there is to do during the coronavirus pandemic, after all. If you have Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there's no doubt you have plenty of questions about some of the game's features and items at your disposal.
For instance, as you play along, you may be required to build a bridge to connect parts of your island home together. If you ever want to see the whole of your friendly little island community come together, this is a requirement.
But while many of the items required to build a bridge are straightforward, there may be one ingredient you're unsure of how to get: log stakes. Luckily, we're here to help you get right on track so your island is flourishing in no time.

How do you get log stakes in 'Animal Crossing: New Horizons?'
Log stakes are an item that are not naturally found in-game in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Instead, you have to craft them. They're required when it comes to building bridges in your island to make sure you can explore the entirety of your own little land mass. If you want to make a bridge, you're going to have to enlist the help of a DIY Workbench to bring them to fruition. Luckily, that's very easy to do and it won't require a ridiculous amount of grinding.
Log Stakes can be crafted at any DIY Workbench, and the item itself can be found under the Housewares tab when you go to start crafting. They simply look like regular wooden stakes (like the kind you'd stab vampires with). You will get the recipe to create them automatically.
To make them, you'll need three pieces of wood, which is obtained by hitting trees with a flimsy or stone ax. Ensure you have three in your inventory and then go to craft a new item.

Once in your DIY Workbench, select the log stakes card and craft the item. You will need to build a few (as indicated) to finish your bridge. They will automatically utilize the wood items in your inventory to create your log stakes. You can use them to craft your bridge so that you can see the rest of your beautiful island, and that's that! It should be smooth sailing from there, and if you need more you can just collect additional pieces of wood.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the perfect way to spend time in the gaming world while we're all stuck inside.
There will be plenty of other components like log stakes you may run into, so if you're ever in doubt, be sure to check the DIY Workbench for recipes you may not have realized you had for solving some of the problems you end up having in-game. Happy island living!