These Are the Most Desirable Villagers in 'Animal Crossing'

Updated May 6 2020, 12:55 p.m. ET
There are more than 300 possible Animal Crossing villagers who might come to live on your island, and most players would agree they're not all created equally. Sometimes the right personality, look, and sense of style culminates in a character every player wishes would come to their island and never leave.
While not at all scientific, we've combed through social media and reddit to determine the most highly sought-after neighbors. Here are the top 10 Animal Crossing villagers ranked in descending order.
Deer in the game tend to be super cute and agreeable, and Fauna is probably the most popular. No idea why, but she trades for millions of bells among players who trade villagers over reddit and Dischord.
Merengue is a rhino with a strawberry horn and looks like she's covered in her namesake dessert topping. She also has a personality as sweet as her look, and the inside of her house looks like a twee cupcake and sweets shop.
Tia is an elephant but she's also a little teapot, short and stout. Look at her, she's like Mrs. Potts... as an elephant!
Julian is a unicorn. Need I say more? He's the only unicorn in the game, though technically he's categorized as a horse. Also his catchphrase is "glitter."
Octopuses in general are popular because they're so rare, with only three in the whole game. Among them, Marina is the most popular. She has a sweet disposition and looks like a child's bath toy. You can feel your blood pressure lower when she's around. She's just chill.
Looks aren't everything but they're a big reason why everyone wants Judy to live on their island. The bear is coveted for her pastel ombré fur and sparkly anime eyes. Her house is adorable and decorated the way every 6-year-old girl wishes her room could look.
Probably the biggest reason people love Jacques is that his catchphrase is "zut alors." it's so funny. If Jacques ever asks you if he should change his catchphrase, don't let him! He's into fashion, trains, and DJing. Basically, he is a Girls character if Girls was a cartoon about animals who live in Greenpoint.
Sherb is easily one of the cutest villagers in the game, and he's highly sought for his adorable house and decor and his horns that look like soft-serve ice cream. He's also got great taste in music (he loves "K.K. Hypno," which is second only to "K.K. Cruisin'" in excellence) and loves naps. What's not to love about this guy?
Audie is one of the newest characters to the series, and also one of the most sought after for a couple reasons. First, her hyper, over-caffeinated personality is hilarious and she's a real delight. But she's also based on a real person. Audie is an homage to Audrey the Animal Crossing Grandma who might be the oldest fan of the game and one of the most devoted.
It's not just the name of a popular sitcom from the 90s. Truly everybody loves Raymond! This villager is so sought after, people are willing to pay millions of bells in trade to get him on their island.
To this player, the appeal is a bit baffling, but people seem to love his different colored eyes, his snazzy all-business getup, and his snobby personality, which resembles the personality a lot of people assign to their cats IRL. Basically, Raymond is what a lot of people imagine their real-life cats would be like if they were Animal Crossing characters.