Woman Mailed Nasty Letter Saying Her Painted Garage Door Is 'Hideous Graffiti'

Updated June 14 2023, 9:40 a.m. ET
When you own a home in a neighborhood, you likely have to adhere to certain rules to make life nice and pleasant for everyone. You can't trash other people's property, you can't encroach on their spaces, etc. But as long as you follow the rules, you should be free to decorate your own home the way you want.
One woman recently decided to paint her garage. She thought she'd add a neat design to her space that would make her, and hopefully her neighbors, happy. But then she received a nasty anonymous note in the mail criticizing her "hideous graffiti." Let's take a look at this aggressive letter, shall we?

The letter was posted to Imgur by someone who saw it in a local Facebook group. The note claims in wild, all-caps letters, some words highlighted in red, that this woman "DEVALUED" all of the houses in the area with the "hideous graffiti" that she painted on her garage door.
They write, rather racistly, that it has made the "entire neighborhood look like a low-income ghetto." They claim that they are being "forced to life with" her garage door art and call her selfish and "tasteless."
The comes the kicker. I kind of can't believe this, but then they go on to write, "I feel sorry for the homeowners on your street and thank god it's not on ours..." They don't even live on her street. I was thinking that this person had to live directly next door to her to be so mad. But they don't! Even! Live! On! The! Same! Street!
Just incredible. Simply bonkers and absolutely bizarre. But what does the garage door look like, you're probably asking yourself by this point. Is it really that ugly? How inappropriate could it possibly be? Reader, it's this...
It's...lovely. It's calming. It's joyful. It's gorgeous! I don't know what those people thought they were looking at, but I love this garage door and if I had one of my own I would want to hire this person to paint it for me.
While graffiti is also gorgeous and an impressive form of art, I wouldn't categorize this as graffiti at all. For one, there are no words. I don't think the person writing this letter has any concept of what graffiti actually is. I also don't think they've every heard the word "mural."
Because this definitely qualifies as a mural. A delightful one, in my personal opinion. Not to mention (I don't think I can reiterate this enough) they don't even live on the street. Even if they have to drive by this every single day, all they have to do is...not obsessively stare at it for the one second they pass it and they'll be fine.
Commenters obviously thought the person who wrote this letter was out of their mind. "Notice the letter is anonymous," one person keenly pointed out. "That's because the author is a coward and knows deep down it's a s--t thing to do. Shame on them."
I'm with the people who say she should totally be petty and keep painting things and putting things in her yard. I'd love to see a blown-up copy of the letter staked in her yard. That'll really show the anonymous coward.
A thing that I don't think a lot of people realize you can do in situations where you don't agree with someone's choices is stay quiet and mind your own business. I know, it seems crazy, but it's totally an option. A lot of people, these letter-writers included, need to realize that.