Mom Wants to Put 2-Year-Old in Outdoor Bedroom and Gets Roasted to Oblivion

Updated March 7 2019, 4:15 p.m. ET

A mom got roasted royally online when she asked people on Facebook for outdoor furniture recommendations for her unvaccinated child.
It seems like there's no shortage of witty comments from people who are more than willing to burn the heck out of proud anti-vaxxers who request suggestions on how to keep their kids healthy in the wake of a viral outbreak.
Whatever your thoughts on vaccinations are, it doesn't change the fact that there's no evidence whatsoever that they're linked to autism, a fact that's been proven time and time again. But just like someone who swears they like the jokes on Big Bang Theory despite their inability to cite a single one that is actually funny or technically a joke, there are still people who maintain that vaccinations are bad.
Maybe because the government is bad or some other tin-foil hat-related argument, who knows?
I'd bet, however, that even the most stalwart anti-vaxxer would disagree with a mom who thinks that it'd be a good idea to craft an outdoor bedroom for their 2-year-old. Yes. 2, years old, and they want their toddler to sleep outside. And they don't want to have a debate about it, they just want recommendations for outdoor furniture.
Oh, and they better not hear any flak from REBECCA for it, either. Friggin' Rebecca, always sticking her nose in other's people's business on public Facebook posts.
Well it turns out that she did end up getting flak, and not just from Rebecca, either. But from a ton of other people online who couldn't help but destroy her for her silly question.
The responses were absolute gold. There were plenty of people willing to make fun of her kid's name by pretending that they had children or their own with some...unusual monikers.

Plenty of people named Rebecca weighed in on the post to chime in as well. Others lampooned the fact that she was seriously considering giving her 2-year-old an outdoor bedroom.

Of course, they roasted her for not vaccinating her child as well, and pretended to be "crazy hippies" themselves.
As dangerous and crazy as it might seem to give your kid an outdoor bedroom, it turns out that "outdoor sleeping" is a practice that some parents actually engage in.

A report was conducted by the BBC where they interviewed parents from Stockholm who would regularly leave their children in carriages or buggies to nap in below freezing temperatures. The parents think that "fresh air" during the winter is good for a child's immune system.
Different people expressed that there were different temperature limits for their children, but it was generally agreed upon everyone who was interviewed that leaving your baby outside in a stroller, covered with a blanket, was good for them.

It's not like they were leaving them outdoors in a t-shirt and jeans: they emphasized warm clothing and keeping wool close to the body. There is an old Swedish adage that says, "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing."
Which I don't entirely agree with. What I do agree with, however, are how brutal these roasts are, my goodness.

And, saving the best one for last is this gentleman who pointed out the irony of her child's name.

It's stuff like this that makes social media worthwhile. It's simply beautiful.