'A.P. Bio' Really Wouldn’t Be the Same Without Its Students

Published Sept. 2 2021, 4:30 p.m. ET

Jack Griffin might not be the best teacher at the start of A.P. Bio, but he gets there. And along the way, he grows close to some of his students, while others continue to irk him no end. Now, after Season 4's premiere, it's hard not to have favorites. We've ranked the most popular students of A.P. Bio from tolerable to the very best, since no one is really all that bad. It's the ranking you truly never knew you needed.

Marcus gets an honorable mention here. He's not the coolest, funniest, or even charming student on A.P. Bio. He does, however, offer tons of comedic relief when Jack plays off him.
Marcus is, more often than not, the stereotypical nerdy butt of Jack's jokes. And in a class full of surprisingly engaging straight-A students, it's definitely needed.

Dan starts off as the bully. Then, after Jack enlists him to be part of his class, he reveals another side of himself. He's not just the popular jock, but he's also a member of the team, so to speak.
He's also the unexpected object of Heather's affections. He even seems to like her too, despite having once been a kind of jerk. He definitely gets a few MVP points here.

Colin is Jack's student only in Season 1, but he still deserves a shout-out. He gets the short end of the stick when Jack dates his mom, but the entire storyline allows him to shine as an awkward but lovable kid.
Unfortunately, he's not in any seasons beyond Season 1, but Colin is still remembered by fans.

Victor and Eduardo have an amazing bromance that doesn't get nearly enough airtime as it should. But on his own, Victor shines in A.P. Bio too. He's sensitive and sweet, but that's probably why his line about having a "smooth butt" and his willingness to admit to masturbation make him so funny. Basically everything he says ends up being funny.

Grace is quiet, but she proves that the quiet ones being the most trouble is true. Whenever she talks in class, she relays information about herself that's totally out of left field.
Like when she admits to having been possessed once (which is how she knows Latin) or being willing to break the leg of a deer. But it's somehow part of her very weird and funny charm.

Anthony is one of Jack's ride-or-die students. He has morals, but he isn't above doing things like stealing a religious statue from his church for one of his teacher's many hi-jinks.
But like the other amazing students in A.P. Bio, he has some seriously memorable lines and he's a hugger, which just makes him lovable. Maybe that's because, as he says in one episode, he would make all songs in school dances slow ones if he had it his way, so he could "feel a body."

Heather is easily the best student in A.P. Bio. She's also Jack's favorite, but that's not why she tops the list. She's always down for one of Jack's schemes and has the best one-liners.
In one episode she says, "I shoplift magazines to feel alive." And in another, she mentions her father's "rich whore" mistress. Heather is kind of amazing in the most random way. But then again, so are most of the students in the show.
A.P. Bio is now streaming on Peacock.