"We Built Two Apartments" — Woman's Adult Children and Their Families Live Under Same Roof

Published Sept. 7 2023, 9:41 a.m. ET
For some people, the idea of living with your parents forever feels almost stifling. But what if your mom built you an actual apartment on top of her house and, oh I don't know, acted as a permanent free babysitter for your kids to enjoy for years to come?
One woman on TikTok, user @jlsofca, whose name in her bio is simply Mrs. S, shared a video where she explains the way her family lives together even though her children are now adults. She says that she had a second story built onto her house just so her son and one of her daughters could have their own separate living spaces and remain at home. And it's a win all around, to be honest.
A woman built apartments for her adult children in her house.
In the video, Mrs. S takes us on a tour of her home, which her adult son and adult daughter share, along with their respective families (and pets). But this isn't a case of adult kids coming back home to shut themselves away in their old bedrooms while they revert back to their teenage ways. Instead, this is a way of living that works for everyone here because Mrs. S built two full-sized apartments for each of her kids that live with her.
Her son shares one of the apartments with his two daughters. Her daughter has the other one, which she shares with her boyfriend and various pets. Both apartments have living rooms, bathrooms, two bedrooms, a washer and dryer, and kitchens. Personally, I would love to live this way and having a large shared house may be on mine and my sister's bucket list with our respective families. And the idea of having my kids remain home as adults isn't half-bad either.
And, as someone wrote in the comments, the apartments are much nicer than most people would be able to afford right now in an actual apartment complex. Not to mention what the adult kids are saving on mortgage interest rates.
"It's super hard for these kids nowadays to be able to afford, well for one an apartment, [which is] just outrageous, and for two, to buy a house is even more so crazy," Mrs. S says in the video. "But what we did was, [we] built a second story and we built two apartments."

But don't get it twisted. Her adult children don't live there for free. They are expected to pay a fair and manageable rent to their mom. And, since both apartments have their own living spaces as well, everyone can enjoy as much or as little privacy as they prefer.
People in the comments under the video are all for intergenerational housing.
The TikTok user doesn't share how much it costs to add such an extensive addition to her home, or if she or a partner did any of the work themselves. However, there are lots of questions in the comments section about how much it cost and how others can follow in her footsteps.
And plenty of people applaud Mrs. S for her ingenuity in keeping her family together and happy. One person commented, "What I wouldn't give to have parents who loved me like this." Another shared, "Intergenerational housing is where it's at. If it works, it's such a big win for everyone."
Mrs. S built the apartments to help her kids not struggle, as so many are right now, because of the cost of living in general. And in doing so, according to some, she is keeping her family together in a big way.
"What I wouldn't give to have parents who loved me like this," one user commented. And plenty of others agreed.
It's hard to say if this really is the "future" of housing. But it's not looking like a bad idea from where I'm sitting.