6 Safe and Hilarious April Fools' Day Pranks to Play on Your Kids

Updated March 29 2023, 2:04 p.m. ET

Calling all pranksters! In case you’ve been out of the loop, April Fools' Day is almost upon us. It’s the only day of the year during which you have a perfect excuse to pull jokes or pranks on your family, friends, and coworkers without having to face any dire consequences (depending on how far you go, of course).
If we're being honest, kids are the perfect target for April Fools' Day pranks. If you're a parent looking for the perfect prank to play this April Fools' Day, you’ve come to the right place. Here are six ideas that may pique your interest.
1. Colored Milk

They say that milk does the body good, and it can also serve as the perfect prank on your little ones. Simply add a few drops of food coloring to your milk — keep another food coloring-free box stored elsewhere of course — shake it up and leave it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, your kids will head to the kitchen for breakfast and be met with quite a surprise. It's sure to bring on the laughs.
2. Daylight Saving Time

There's nothing worse than realizing that you're actually starting your day too early. For this prank, once your little one dozes off to sleep, set their alarm clock an extra hour ahead. Wake them up to announce that you guys are late for your activities for the day and watch them scramble to get ready before revealing the correct time. Hilarious!
3. Frozen Cereal

Lots of kids love having cereal for breakfast. So why not shake things up a bit by creating an April Fools' Day joke around it? Simply pour out a bowl of your kids' favorite cereal with milk and a spoon. Place the bowl into the freezer. When you serve them their breakfast in the morning, they'll realize that their meal is completely frozen — spoon and all.
4. Brownie Prank

Brownie lovers will not be able to resist this one! Presenting children with sweet treats is a perfect way to get them into the kitchen. Brownies are a surefire way to win over a kid, and this prank is gold. Simply cut out the letter "E" numerous times with brown construction paper. Place the "E" shaped pieces of paper into a brownie tray. Once you tell your kids that brownies are ready for a mid-day snack, they'll lift up the foil to realize the E-shaped construction paper. After all, you did say that "brown E's" were ready!
5. Toothpaste Fiasco

Nothing says April Fools' Day like an early morning prank! As your kids get ready to start their day, hand them their toothbrushes with something that resembles toothpaste on it. This can be white frosting or something else that's edible. Once your kids start brushing, they'll realize that they've been hoodwinked! But they'll also probably be excited about the early-morning snack.
6. Potato Chips Swap

Potato chips are a great snack! However, you can easily flip the script on your kids by removing the chips from the bag and replacing them with cut carrots or cucumbers to resemble chips. Simply open a bag of chips and remove the contents. Replace the actual potato chips with the veggie substitute. Carefully seal the bag with some glue. Once snack time hits, give your little one a bag of the veggie "chips." Nothing spells disappointment like thinking you're getting potato chips and getting vegetables instead.