Frenchie Might Have Been Right About a 'Big Brother' Showmance After All

Published July 29 2021, 12:56 p.m. ET

Somewhere in Brandon "Frenchie" French's hometown, he's saying a silent "I told you so" to Big Brother fans. His game blew up partly because he targeted Christian Birkenberger and Alyssa Lopez for their potential showmance. And in the July 28, 2021, episode, they proved him right. Sort of.
A few shots show the pair making out in the HOH room and then show Alyssa admitting that Christian is a good kisser, so they've essentially outed themselves.
But are Christian and Alyssa in a full-blown showmance or is whatever they have just a fleeting thing? Early on, it seemed like Christian was open to a showmance with his fellow houseguests, even if Alyssa initially shot down Frenchie's claims that the two were together. Now, it seems the players have started something that could be disastrous for their individual games.
Are Alyssa and Christian in a showmance on 'Big Brother'?
According to the show and the Big Brother live feeds, Alyssa and Christian's relationship has hit official showmance status. You don't hold hands in your sleep and make out under a blanket if you're just friends. And in the Big Brother house, doing either of those things with someone you have to live with means you're in it for the long haul.
On the live feeds, Christian and Alyssa discussed the consequences of being found out as a couple. As a rule, most players target showmances because of the potential power they have in the game.
But even if the pair know this, they seem intent on seeing if there's anything real between them. As for how it will impact their game? That's a whole other issue they'll have to deal with later.
Frenchie initially targeted Alyssa because of a possible showmance.
Lots of Big Brother fans thought Frenchie was a little in his head during his Head of Household reign. He was sure Christian and Alyssa were in a showmance at the time, though it had been barely a week since they all met. Because of this, Frenchie targeted Alyssa to get her out of the house and break them up.
At the time, Alyssa assured Frenchie that they weren't together. Christian made comments about he and Alyssa looking good together and making sense as a couple, though.
This didn't help Alyssa's case at all, but she didn't go home. Now, Frenchie likely feels pretty vindicated, even though he was voted out of the house himself.
Are showmances a good idea on 'Big Brother'?
Most fans and houseguests agree that showmances on Big Brother often lead to the players in them being targeted. Houseguests see showmances as a threat in that they are essentially final two deals out in the open. Usually, if you have a final two deal with someone to get to the end of the season, those are kept on the hush-hush.
On the other hand, being in a showmance could also sometimes mean you have safety where your partner and their allies are concerned.
For now, Alyssa and Christian's showmance hasn't threatened anyone else's game. But as the weeks go on and alliances shift, some of the other players could see the pair as a threat. And if that happens, then let's hope all of the secret make-out sessions were worth it.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.