Anna and Josh Duggar Aren't Divorcing — But Josh Has Other Legal Troubles

Updated Aug. 20 2020, 1:57 p.m. ET

It's been a rocky road for Josh and Anna Duggar. The couple, who are best known for their roles in the TLC series 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On, have had a relationship full of scandals, with Josh in particular at the head of them. In 2015, it was revealed that Josh molested five underage girls while he was a teenager, including two of his own sisters — a scandal that eventually led to the cancellation of 19 Kids and Counting.
Later that same year, it came out that Josh had an extramarital affair, leaving his wife Anna confused and hurt. Anna and her sister-in-laws addressed the pain they felt learning of infidelity on Counting On.
But even after all of this, the pair are still together, and Anna says that she feels Josh has "redeemed" himself.
In 2017, Anna revealed they had "quietly worked" on their relationship over the next two years, and now, she says she's proud of her marriage.
Josh and Anna are expecting their sixth child.
Over the years together, the pair have welcomed five children into the world, and will soon be expecting a sixth.
Josh and Anna, who have decided to give all of their children names that start with "M," are parents to Mackynzie, 9, Michael, 8, Marcus, 6, Meredith, 4, and Mason, 1.
On April 26, they announced they were expecting a sixth child sometime in November.
Josh is in the midst of a real estate lawsuit.
Unfortunately, their now-happy marriage isn't free from other scandals. Josh was named in a real estate lawsuit claiming he illegally purchased a property. While he was hoping to settle the matter out of court, Radar Online reports that the lawsuit will be headed to trial in April of 2020.
The plaintiff, Carl Echols, claims he purchased the property in question from his cousin for $17,500 sometime in the early 2000s. Josh then apparently purchased the land later for only $1,000, without Carl's knowledge.
Josh says he's paid property taxes on the land around ten years. Carl is also suing Edward Lewis, the man who initially sold him the property.

Was the Duggar home raided by Homeland Security?
A news report by KNWA went out about a Homeland Security investigation at the Duggar home, leaving many to wonder why their home would be investigated.
A spokesperson for Homeland Security told the outlet “[I do not dispute the information that] HSI was present there [Duggar home] pursuant to an on-going federal criminal investigation."
The Duggars, however, denied that Homeland Security was ever at their residence, telling People “We were shocked to see a news report today state that our home was raided by federal law enforcement agencies. This is not true. To the best of our knowledge, it’s also not true that any member of our family is the target of any investigation of any kind.”
KNWA later amended their article, noting that it was a business "associated with" Josh Duggar, and not the Duggar family home.
"I can’t speak to the status of any ongoing investigation, said Homeland Security spokesperson Bryan Cox. " I can confirm that we were at that address. And spoke to individuals at that location. But I can’t discuss any individuals by name.”