Are Tania Torres and Perry Sanchez From 'Pit Bulls and Parolees' Still Married?

Updated May 1 2021, 3:27 p.m. ET

Famous animal lover and dog trainer Tia Torres's eldest daughter, Tania Torres, has made a name for herself as one of the biggest dog people on the planet. Both star on the Animal Planet show, Pit Bulls and Parolees, which follows paroled felons who help Tia and her family rescue and rehabilitate dogs. Tia is the founder of Villalobos Rescue Center, a place for both rescue pups and paroled felons to care for each other.
Many fans of the show love it for its important message around second chances and treating both animals and humans with compassion and empathy. A lot of people also follow Tania, personally. She has an Instagram and Facebook page, which she updates with news about Pit Bulls and Parolees, as well as her journeys as an animal lover and a mom. Although Tania got married in 2013, fans are wondering if she and her husband Perry Sanchez are still together.

Are Tania and Perry still married?
Tania and Perry got married in 2013, and are seemingly still together. While the couple doesn't often post photos of each other (the last one of the two is from August 2020), Perry states that he's married on his Facebook page. He currently works at the Villalobos Rescue Center (which is located in New Orleans) along with Tania and her mother and sister. He's also in a band called Totally Possessed, and spends his free time skateboarding.

The couple have one child together, a daughter named Salem-Wolf Clemtine, who was born in 2017. According to a post Tania shared on Instagram, she and Perry struggled to conceive a child before they had her, and they consider her their miracle.
"For years I tried for you. I lost countless times. I spent countless hours crying all alone and asking myself why? I already knew your name. I waited for you. I finally heard those sweet, beautiful words...'You’re having a little girl,'" she wrote.
"I whispered back, 'I know. I know her name.' I wiped the tears from my eyes, and looked down at you.... 'Hi, Salem. You’re finally here.' To my beautiful daughter, Today, we celebrate you. On February 13th, 2017, the stars aligned and I finally held you for the first time. The sky fell to its knees, and not one single thing mattered. Salem-Wolf Clementine, you have revolutionized my entire world. I am so lucky that you picked me," she continued.

Back in March 2021, Tania shared a photo from what appears to be from her wedding. She's wearing an all-black wedding dress and is posing with who is likely Bluie, her favorite pit bull.
Posted by Tania Torres on Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Here's another gorgeous photo of Tania and Perry on her wedding day.
My main men <3
Posted by Tania Torres on Sunday, February 23, 2014
On March 30, 2021, Tania updated fans on her Facebook page that being a mom has kept her quite busy on top of her full-time job of rescuing pups. "Motherhood has definitely proven to be a full time job on top of my full time job! But I wouldn’t trade it for the world," she shared.

Watch new episodes of Pit Bulls and Parolees on Animal Planet Saturdays at 9 p.m. EST.